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During the present campaign his letters have been full of comparisons with the difficulties which confronted Napoleon. "But Townshend possesses other qualities besides his zeal for his profession, and one of them at least must have stood him in good stead during these anxious months. He is indomitably serene and cheerful, a lover of amusement himself and well able to amuse others.

Ootah asked himself all the questions men ask in such a crisis; why, when he loved so indomitably, the heart of Annadoah should stir only with the thought of another; why the spirits that weave the fabric of men's fate had designed it thus.

Square jaw and sturdy body, in masculine energy, resolute and trained, were set indomitably against feminine vitality. "Yes, we shall win!

Billy's voice was indomitably cheerful. "Thank you, dear. I knew you'd understand," sighed Bertram, contentedly. "You see, really, two whole hours, so it's a chance I can't afford to lose." "Of course you can't," echoed Billy, again. "All right then. Good-by till to-night," called the man. "Good-by," answered Billy, still cheerfully. As she turned away, however, she tossed her head.

Her limpid grey eyes looked into his. She said, so ridiculously, so adorably: "My guardian likes best to be called von Marwitz by those who know her personally." She laughed, the tip of her tongue caught between her teeth. From the place of dream and memory, the living longing for her actual self emerged indomitably. Gregory turned from the balcony and went inside. He was dazed.

There was a great assembly there, and she was wandering through the rooms leaning on the arm of her youngest son, her glorious head still crowned with its splendid braids of hair, and wreathed with grapes and ivy leaves, and this was my last vision of her; but, in the autumn of 1870, Lady C told me of meeting her in London society, now indeed quite old, but indomitably handsome and witty.

"Our precognizer our Precognizer for Special Events," said Gwenlyn, "got the notion that a year from now King Humphrey should open parliament on Kandar, if everything is straightened out. The notion became a precognition. We don't know how it can come about, but it does seem to imply a change of plans somewhere!" Bors found himself indomitably skeptical. But he said, "Ah!

The third pair of pickets managed to cross the Avenue, but were arrested immediately they reached the curb. Still others advanced. The crowd began to line the ropes and to watch eagerly the line of women indomitably coming, two by two, into the face of certain arrest. A fourth detachment was arrested in the middle of the Avenue on the trolley tracks. But still they came.

He'd be troubled if he knew you were turned enemy to it on his account." "I'm for justice, Steve. This skunk deserves death and I'm going to see he gits it." "No, Tom." "I say yes. Y'u ain't sitting in this game, Steve." "I reckon I'll have to take a hand then." The ranger's voice was soft and drawling, but his eyes were indomitably steady.

No doubt the wealth which he may have brought to the Church as a successful merchant contributed to his advancement, but Folquet was also an indomitably energetic character. Unlike so many of his fellow poets, who retired to monasteries and there lived out their lives in seclusion, Folquet displayed special talents or special enthusiasm for the order which he joined.