United States or Martinique ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

One of them, cuddled under the goat's belly, went at it so heartily that you could hear the glou-glou of the warm milk as it went down, down into his little legs, which quivered with satisfaction. The other, more calm, lay indolently in his Auvergnat nurse's lap, and required some little encouragement from her. "Come, suck, I tell you, suck, bougri!"

His chocolate and toast stood upon a little table at his elbow; books and newspapers lay ready to his hand, upon the coverlet; and, sometimes pausing to glance with an air of tranquil satisfaction round the well-ordered room, and sometimes to gaze indolently at the summer sky, he ate, and drank, and read the news luxuriously.

This is a stretch of about four hundred miles of low, swampy country, where the Yukon evidently loses its courage to run swiftly, for it spreads out indolently in all directions between treacherous and shifting sand-bars, fairly disheartening to all not familiar with its many peculiarities.

Murmuring which multiplicity of directions, for Rake to catch as he could, in the softest and sleepiest of tones, Bertie Cecil drank a glass of Curacoa, put his tall, lithe limbs indolently off his sofa, and surrendered himself to the martyrdom of cuirass and gorget, standing six feet one without his spurred jacks, but light-built and full of grace as a deer, or his weight would not have been what it was in gentleman-rider races from the Hunt steeple-chase at La Marche to the Grand National in the Shires.

Pretty boys dressed as little cupids watched every sign of the 'sham Eros. How indolently he lay on the deep, soft cushions! And yet his eyes were every where, and though he had not failed to give due consideration to the preparations for his feast, he devoted all the powers of his mind to the present management of it.

The former lit a cigarette, and saying to his friend, 'Do you breakfast with your mother? I will come too, slipped his hand on Ammiani's arm; they walked out indolently together, with the smallest shade of an appearance of tolerating scorn for those whom they left behind.

"My thoughts are not worth expressing, Ralph," she said. "Let us hear them all the same!" he said, laying his head against her shoulder. She sat very still in his hold. "I was only watching the moonlight," she said. "Somehow it made me think of a flaming sword." "Turning all ways?" he suggested, indolently humorous. "Not driving us forth out of the garden of Eden, I hope?

The members of the crews stood indolently at their stations. Yet Dave was as alert as ever. He stood close to the midshipman tillerman, looking constantly for signals from the flagship, and at the same time watchful for any wind signs. An hour or more they had proceeded thus.

Involuntarily, and to the ire of his neighbours, he arose and indolently made his way down the side aisle. When he reached the baize swinging doors, he saw the woman approaching him.

"Why, I was about twelve, I believe," Sam said, "and Miss Ellen Bailey she used to teach school here, then she got married and went out West; she gave me a little gold image of Pasht, at least I thought it was gold. It was one of those things you ladies wear on your watch-chains, you know," "Yes?" she said indolently. "Well, I took a tremendous fancy to it.