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The carelessness with which she managed her house had not mattered in Samoa, but here it was out of place. When anyone came he did not want the place to look untidy; and, laughing, chaffing Ethel a little, he set about putting things in order. Ethel watched him indolently. She spent long hours playing with her son. She talked to him in the baby language of her own country.

Nelida's graceful movements grew slower and slower, till she merely seemed to sway indolently to and fro like a mermaid rocking herself to sleep on the summit of a wave, ... and then, from among the veiling shadows of the trees, there stepped forth a man, beautiful as a sculptured god, of magnificently moulded form and noble stature, clothed from chest to knee in a close fitting garb of what seemed to be a thick network of massively linked gold.

Altogether her appearance was not prepossessing. Since she looked impossible dressed as a grown lady in long skirts, she wore schoolgirl clothes and was tempted to furbish herself up like a tight-rope dancer with ribbons, openwork stockings, and white shoes. When Frederick von Kammacher entered the room, she blushed slightly, and held her hand out to him indolently.

There's nothing more to be said, I believe? and he walked over to the door. 'Say! from Polglaze. 'Yes, replied Gaston, indolently, swinging his stick to and fro. 'New? inquired the stockbroker. 'You mean to this sort of thing? said Vandeloup, looking at him, and receiving a nod in token of acquiescence, added, 'entirely. 'Risky, dropped from the Polglaze mouth.

The danger is, of leaning upon them too much. Scott, and Clarke, and Henry, and Jenks, and Calmet, and Barnes, and Bush, may help to show me the true way of finding out and interpreting the Scripture for myself; but if I go farther, and either indolently or superstitiously suffer them to interpret it for me, it were almost better that I had not sought their aid.

He turned his head indolently, and looked into the mills. There hung about the place a thick, unclean odor. The slightest motion of his hand marked that he perceived it, and his insufferable disgust. That was all. May said nothing, only quickened his angry tramp. "Besides," added Mitchell, giving a corollary to his answer, "it would be of no use. I am not one of them."

This, then, is the truth taught us by the doctrine of the Fall; not so much that it is our certain destruction to remain where we are, for that our own sense and reason declare to us, if we will but listen to them; but that our present position is not that for which God designed us, and that to rest satisfied with it is not a yielding to an unavoidable necessity, but the indolently or madly shrinking from the effort which would give us certain deliverance.

Meanwhile, Pretty Pierre had made his way to the Saints' Repose, and was sitting among the miners indolently smoking. In vain he was asked to play cards. His one reply was, "No, pardon, no! I play one game only to-night, the biggest game ever played in Pipi Valley." In vain, also, was he asked to drink.

He tore the page out, put it in an empty envelope, sealed the flap, and handed it to her. "Open it in a month, and see whether my guess is a good one." The dusky lashes swept round indolently. "Suppose I were to open it to-night." "I'll risk it," smiled the blue eyes. "On honor, am I?" "That's it." He held out a big, brown hand. "You're going to try to capture the robbers, are you?"

Grazia, who had smilingly surrendered to the sweetness of living, was awaked from her slumber by contact with Christophe's moral energy. She took a more direct and less passive interest in the things of the mind. She used to read very little, preferring to browse indolently over the same old books, but now she began to be curious about new ideas, and soon came to feel their attraction.