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"Now your work," I said, "is very different from what these young people are doing hard, solid, definite effort. What a relief it must be to you to get a brief vacation up here. I couldn't help thinking to-day, as I watched you moving round doing nothing, how fine it must feel for you to come up here after your hard work and put in a month of out-and-out loafing." "Loafing!" he said indignantly.

Then wickedly pretending that he was not aware of what had happened he strolled to the side of the road nearest the hay field. "Now, if he ain't gone and got his tail over the lines!" cried Mrs. Daggett indignantly. "He's got more resistin' strength in that tail of his'n wonder if I can " She leaned over the dashboard and grasped the offending member with both hands.

He cried indignantly, "You know very well what I told you!" "I do not." "No," he sneered, "of course not! You never take the trouble to remember such things. Of course not! Of course not!" "You are a very ridiculous person," she vouchsafed, after eying him coldly. He arose abruptly. "I believe I am. By heavens, I believe I am!" he cried in a fury. She laughed.

Bayliss asked wonderingly. "I'm not a fool!" retorted Dodge indignantly. "Prescott might thrash me again. Bayliss, I'm going to hit him with the kind of club that he can't beat!" "Is the club big enough to take care of Darrin, too?" "I'm after the whole Prescott gang, for good measure!" Bert raged. "What are you going to do?"

The young trapper saw at a glance what a comment this was upon his skill in the art, and, indignantly exhuming the iron, he walked home with it, the stream of silver quarters suddenly setting in another direction. The successful trapper commences in the fall, or before the first deep snow.

"As if we needed any stimulating," said Mollie indignantly. "You don't have to stand behind our boys with a gun to make them go." "Of course not," agreed Allen. "Just the same, it's almost impossible for us over here, with the broad Atlantic separating us from the scene of conflict, actually to realize what we're up against.

The days of rest we proposed for ourselves here were spent in fighting with our old camel-men who left us here, in fighting with the new ones who were to take us on to the main valley, and in indignantly refusing to pay the sultan the sum of money which our presence in his town led him to think it his right to demand.

Look at the way they have treated me at home? Do you know, none of them ever write to me any more?" Quin tried not to look guilty, but the fact that he had counseled this course of discipline weighed upon him. "Haven't I written enough for the family?" he asked. But she was not to be put off. "They treat me as if I had done something disgraceful!" she said indignantly.

It was in this sense that he spoke to Margaret of Parma, to Assonleville, to all around him. It was precisely in this strain and temper that he wrote to Philip, indignantly defending his course at Tourney, protesting against the tortuous conduct of the Duchess, and bluntly declaring that he would treat no longer with ladies upon matters which concerned a man's honor.

"I really don't know that I can bring myself to tell you any more!" "If you don't," said Wally, indignantly, "there'll certainly be bloodshed. Go on at once "Am I a man on human plan Designed, or am I not, Matilda?" "H'm," said Norah. "Well, I'm not Matilda, anyway! However, I opened the gate of the yard. And then I stood there and just gaped at what I saw." "Dogs?"