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It is this: Can you not see with your own eyes that this man is nothing more than a mere adventurer?" "An adventurer!" repeated Edith, indignantly. "It ill becomes one like you to use such a word as that. For what are you yourself? Lieutenant Dudleigh is a gentleman; and though I have only known him for a short time, I am happy in calling him my friend. I will tolerate no abuse of him.

Driven into a corner, but evidently rather ashamed of himself, Southend explained. "The viscounty would be more convenient if a match came about between him and the girl." "What, the new Lady Tristram? Well, George, romance has taken possession of you to-day!" "Not at all," he protested indignantly. "It's the obviously sensible way out." "Then they can do it without a viscounty."

Poor little fellow, he's only three inches taller than me. You know I told you all about that trouble at the time, mother?" he expostulated, indignantly. "Yes, yes, so you did, my son, and I told Mr. Graylock that you could not have been to blame that after all it was only a boyish dispute, and no serious damage had been done.

"Beg your pardon, mother, but how can those old cats possibly know?" "They can't know," said Mrs. Roughsedge, placidly. "But as soon as you get a young woman like that into the neighborhood, of course everybody begins to speculate." "They mumble any fresh person, like a dog with a bone," said Roughsedge, indignantly. They were passing across the broad village street.

He broke off to gaze with dropped jaw at a spiral of smoke that coiled and twisted in the lee of the mizzenmast twenty feet above the deck. "Now, how did that get there?" he demanded indignantly. Beneath it there was no smoke. Crawling up from the deck, sheltered from the wind by the mast, by some freak it took form and visibility at that height.

'I'd scorn to fawn on any one, Howel, says Netta indignantly; 'I never did in my life. I always gave Miss Rice Rice as big a stare as she gave me. 'You will be able to give her a bigger now, laughs Howel. As they journeyed on, Howel pointed out all the different objects that were likely to interest his mother and Netta.

But drifting, merely not arrived; going gently, irresistibly, but not yet at the realized goal. He felt all this as the stirring of a mighty force, but knew not what he felt. The teasing of his fellows, the common love-gossip of the school yard, seemed far different from his plight. He laughed at it and indignantly denied it. Yet he was uncomfortable, restless, unhappy.

"We returned to her boudoir. She began again to put my hair in order, and I humoured all her whims; when they came to say that the Prince of was below, and wished to see her. The name alone almost threw me into a rage. "'What then, exclaimed I, as I indignantly pushed her from me, 'who? what prince? "She made no answer to my enquiries.

I take credit to myself for not believing in such honour." Cazalès himself arose indignantly. "I could not listen tamely to such calumniating language," he exclaimed. I have listened to the previous speaker, because I am, and I assert it, a partisan of the most unlimited declaration of opinions; but it is beyond human endurance for me to conceal the contempt I feel for such diatribes.

"Smaller snakes!" said Leonard indignantly and aloud. "What a notion!" By a rending effort of the will he woke the rest of the room up. Jacky, the bed, their food, their clothes on the chair, gradually entered his consciousness, and the horror vanished outwards, like a ring that is spreading through water. "I say, Jacky, I'm going out for a bit." She was breathing regularly.