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'But, Gerald insisted, 'you don't allow one man to take away his neighbour's living, so why should you allow one nation to take away the living from another nation? There was a long slow murmur from Hermione before she broke into speech, saying with a laconic indifference: 'It is not always a question of possessions, is it? It is not all a question of goods?

As she reached this point in her analysis, it occurred to her that his shrinking from the subject might well imply not indifference, but a deeper preoccupation: a preoccupation for some reason suppressed and almost disavowed, yet sustaining the more intensely its painful hidden life.

She had been he recalled the high-flown phrase of his youth the supremely indifferent friend! Perhaps, he thought to himself, when one is fifty, one cares less to be "let alone"; less for indifference as the supreme attribute of a friend.

Jones, show these gentlemen into a room somewhere. And the editor fell back forthwith into his easy-chair and his original attitude of listless indifference. Berkeley and Ernest followed the boy into a bare back room, furnished only with a deal table and two chairs, and there anxiously awaited the result of the editor's critical examination.

Christophe did not need to have these things underlined. He was in a state of raw sensitiveness which left his feelings absolutely unprotected: he was only too ready to see egoism and indifference everywhere, and to withdraw into himself.

But it may be truly said that in general married people in betraying their indifference towards each other show the same naivete with which they first betrayed their love.

Rafael saw that his companions were on the tiptoe of expectation. "Off with it," he said again with assumed indifference. The hairdresser cut the hair into his hand and laid it carefully in paper. The boys followed every snip of the scissors with their eyes, Rafael with his ears; he could not see in the glass.

There was a vacancy in the looks of Charlotte, during the scientific execution of the different individuals who had been labouring at the several instruments in the course of the evening, that denoted a total indifference to the display.

I am obliged to meet your great man often; and he seldom sees me without talking of E. D. and J. D., and R. B. and D. D., as persons in whom my amiable sensibility is interested. My amiable sensibility!!! And then the cruel tone of light indifference with which persons in the fashionable world speak together on the most affecting subjects!

It was only part of his odd character to start all sorts of eccentric objections in reply; to affect a cynical indifference, which he was far from really and truly feeling; and to indulge in plenty of quaint sarcasm on the subject of Jessie and his nephew George.