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It was a distinctively proud head, almost aggressive, indicative of strong character and self-reliance, well-poised on a full throat, and set off by a considerable quantity of dark brown hair which was refractory in brushing, inclined to uncanonical curls, and plentifully dashed with grey.

The South American gnawed at his lip; the Japanese looked at the floor, and Orme now realized that the manner which had seemed so indicative of a masterful personality was the manner which springs from power the manner that is built upon the assurance of a tremendous backing. The tension was broken by Poritol.

He was of middle stature, strong and coarsely made, with harsh and severe features, indicative, however, of much natural sagacity and depth of thought. His eyes were grey and piercing; his nose too large in proportion to his other features, and of a reddish hue.

Why did you not say so before? I am a clergyman a parson." "Now you talk! You see my blind and straddle it like a man. Put it there!" extending a brawny paw, which closed over the minister's small hand and gave it a shake indicative of fraternal sympathy and fervent gratification. "Now we're all right, pard. Let's start fresh. Don't you mind my snuffling a little becuz we're in a power of trouble.

He spread out his arms in a gesture indicative of horror at the bleakness of the surroundings; at the mournfulness of the decaying village; the dreary hopelessness of the mouldering church and tombs. "I was thinking, my friend," he said. "That was all. It is not surprising... that one should think." Colville heaved a sigh and said nothing.

The tones are more or less throaty or nasal, or indicative of some degree of muscular tension. A perfectly used voice, on the other hand, convinces the hearer that the singer has full command of all the resources of the vocal organs. Each tone is a perfect musical sound, free from fault or blemish. The voice moves from one note to another with ease and with purity of intonation.

This is merely indicative of the endless quarrel between the inspired poet and the man of reason. The eighteenth century contempt for poetic madness finds typical expression in Pope's satirical lines, And it is answered by Burns' characterization of writers depending upon dry reason alone: A set o' dull, conceited hashes Confuse their brains in college classes!

'Pleasantry, sir! exclaimed Pott, with a motion of the hand, indicative of a strong desire to hurl the Britannia metal teapot at the head of the visitor. 'Pleasantry, sir! But no, I will be calm; I will be calm, Sir; in proof of his calmness, Mr. Pott flung himself into a chair, and foamed at the mouth. 'My dear sir, interposed Mr. Winkle. 'DEAR Sir! replied Pott.

"There are contingent possibilities," replied the man of subterfuge blandly. He did not mean anything at all, but shrewdly guessed that Mrs. Agar would not credit him with so simple a design. The lady smiled in a subtly commiserating manner, indicative of the fact that on some family matters the ignorance of all except herself was somewhat pitiful.

I mention this incident not in the spirit of detraction; for in the paragraph there was nothing of puff, though certainly something of oddity but as a tint of character, indicative of the appetite for distinction by which, about this period, he became so powerfully incited, that at last it grew into a diseased crave, and to such a degree, that were the figure allowable, it might be said, the mouth being incapable of supplying adequate means to appease it every pore became another mouth greedy of nourishment.