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At a glance, his practised eye detected symptoms of a serious nature, and a closer examination of the case convinced him that all his skill would be called into requisition. With a hot, dry skin, slightly flushed face, parched lips, and slimy, furred tongue, there was a dejection, languor, and slight indication of delirium and much apparent confusion of mind.

The key to this remarkable business was supplied by a cover sent anonymously to the writer during the course of these negotiations with no indication as to its origin.

Whether correspondence of thought is merely an indication of the similar workings of Jewish genius in similar conditions, or whether it is the effect of an early tradition common to both, or whether, finally, there was connection, however indirect, between the two minds, it is now impossible to say.

"I was obliged to say something of the sort" smiled Dick, "though I tried to say it in a way that wouldn't hurt his feelings." "You didn't succeed very well in salving his feelings, if his looks gave any indication." laughed Greg Holmes quietly. "Drayne went over to coach afterwards," added Dave Darrin. "Mr. Morton didn't seem to give the fellow any more satisfaction than you did, Dick."

To his kindness he owed the possibility of organizing an excursion apart from the direct object of the voyage. This change of plan and its cause is told in the following extract from his general report to Professor Peirce: APRIL 27th. While I was transcribing my Report, Pourtales came in with the statement that he had noticed the first indication of an Andean glacier in the vicinity.

At first glance the flood of moral literature now upon us social- conscience stories, scientific plays, platitudinous "moralities" that tell us how to live may seem to be another protest against sentimentalism. And that the French and English examples have been so warmly welcomed here may seem another indication of a reaction on our part.

We have seen him going home to Spain and announcing the discovery of the Golden Chersonesus, although he had only discovered what he erroneously supposed to be an indication of it; proclaiming the discovery of the Ophir of Solomon without taking the trouble to test for himself so tremendous an assumption; and we now see him hurrying away to dazzle Spain with the story that he has discovered the Garden of Eden, without even trying to push on for a few days more to secure so much as a cutting from the Tree of Life.

Dacier is also in town, Lady Wathin said, with an acid indication of the needless mention of it. 'We have not seen him. She invited Redworth to meet a few friends at dinner. 'I think you admire Miss Asper: in my idea a very saint among young women; and you know what the young women of our day are. She will be present. She is, you are aware, England's greatest heiress.

This was not done; and the failure and its consequences afford a lesson by which every people engaged in war should profit. A mere outline of what was not done at Scutari may be an indication of what should be done with all convenient speed elsewhere. There was a catgut manufactory close at hand, which filled the neighborhood with stench.

The same custom is referred to in the inscriptions of Cyrus, and it is interesting to note that a similar mode of manifesting grief still prevails in the modern Orient. The refrain forms a regular feature of these dirges, an indication that, as is still the case in the Orient, there was a leader who sang the dirge, while the chorus chimed in at the proper moment.