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"It's more thunder rolling over us," said Neal; but as he spoke his tongue turned stiff with fear. "Sounds as if the whole mountain was tumbling to pieces. Perhaps it's the end of the world," suggested Dol, as a succession of booming shocks from above seemed to shake the camping-ground under his feet. There was one second of awful indecision.

To youth, possessed by an almost riotous vitality, with great but unused powers of endurance and of positive action, the finding of its task means concentration of energy instead of dissipations directness of action instead of indecision, conscious increase of power instead of deepened sense of inefficiency, and the happiness which rises like a pure spring from the depths of the soul when the whole nature is poised and harmonised.

One by one the bays brought up their beautiful heads to attention but the grey, as was her custom in moments of crisis or indecision, trotted forward to the side of the leader and glanced over the rolling lands below. Her decision was instant and decisive. She shook her head and turning to the side, she started down the left slope at a trot. Alcatraz called her back with another snort.

"What proofs?" "He will enable me this evening to witness the interview. 'It may be, said he, 'that this appointment may have no guilt in it, notwithstanding appearances to the contrary. Judge for yourself, have courage, and your cruel indecision will be at an end." "And what did you answer?" "Nothing, my lord. My head wandered as it does now and I came to you for advice."

Westray was passing through a very brief interval of indecision. His emotional and perhaps better feelings told him that he ought to accede to Mr Sharnall's request; caution and the hoarding instinct reminded him that ten pounds was a large proportion of his whole available capital. Bright sunshine had succeeded the rain.

I do not think that you will have cause to complain of her lack of gratitude." Brott walked out into the streets with the half sheet of note-paper twisted up between his fingers. For the first time for months he was conscious of a distinct and vivid sense of happiness. The terrible period of indecision was past. He knew now where he stood.

His furtive, nervous glances about the small apartment escaped the notice of the men who were changing their apparel. To his own disgust, a cold perspiration began to ooze out all over his body the moisture of extreme nervousness and indecision. He took a stiff pull at his brandy flask. His shifting gaze ultimately rested on David Jenison's neatly deposited clothing. The boy was in the ring.

Jewell, in the accents of amazement. He put his head out at the door and nodded, and then, somewhat red in the face with the exercise, drew on his jacket and walked towards her. The skipper followed. "Thank you," said the girl, with a pleasant smile. "You're quite welcome," said the skipper. Mr. Jewell stepped ashore and, after a moment of indecision, shook hands with his visitor.

His eye followed its passage from hand to hand with a covetous eagerness of which he may not have been aware, and I was not at all surprised when, after a short interval of troubled indecision, he impulsively stepped forward and begged the privilege of handling the gem himself.

They occur at uncertain periods, but at periods which are not commonly far asunder. Governments of all kinds are administered only by men; and great mistakes, tending to inflame these discontents, may concur. The indecision of those who happen to rule at the critical time, their supine neglect, or their precipitate and ill-judged attention, may aggravate the public misfortunes.