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"Quick on the shoot?" the big trader wanted to know. "No, it ain't that. They don't hardly ever draw a gun. They jest walk in kinda quiet an' easy, an' tell you it'll be thisaway. And tha's the way it is every crack outa the box." "Hmp!" West exuded boastful incredulity. "I reckon they haven't bumped into any one man-size yet."

I come; your uncle knows I am not so unobservant as you, and Mr. Talboys is kept out of sight." "The proof that my uncle has deceived me," said Lucy, coldly, and with lofty incredulity. "Read that note from Miss Dodd!" "What! you in correspondence with Miss Dodd?" "That is to say, she has thrust herself into correspondence with me just like her assurance."

The 'Quarterly Review' and 'Gentleman's Magazine' carried the report into mansions, villas, and vicarages, and the 'Stamford Mercury' and other local papers spread it among the inmates of farmhouses and humbler dwellings. Much incredulity was manifested at first; but the news being confirmed on all hands, there arose a great and universal desire to behold the new poet.

"Mary Antony!" exclaimed the Bishop, and his voice held the most extraordinary combination of amazement, relief, and incredulity. "But, in heaven's name, good brother, wherefore should the old lay-sister leave the Convent?" "They say she was making her way into the city in search of you, my lord; but she hath not reached the Palace." "Any other rumour, Philip?"

If you will take the trouble to cast your eye over these you will find they are all here save one for a small figure, which somehow was offered for sale in Boston lately, I believe you said," and as he spoke the president tossed a little package upon the directors' table, upon which the eyes of the broken-down merchant were instantly glued with incredulity and horror.

"But I think that Lloyd admires or is beginning to admire her," he said. "Who Cherry!" Peter exclaimed, with distaste and incredulity in his tone. "You don't think so?" the doctor, looking at him wistfully, asked eagerly. "Why, certainly not!" Peter said quickly. "Certainly not," he added, frowning, with his eyes narrowed, and his look fixed upon the vista of woodland.

This excessive incredulity excessive, because a distinct assurance of the fact had been already given to Abraham upon the occasion of their change of names was highly culpable; but while we denounce it with merited severity, let us examine our own hearts. Have we never acted in a similar manner? Have we never distrusted the providence of God or his promises?

Still he persisted in his incredulity till about two in the morning, when news was brought to him that the fire had actually broken out. It was at the Exchange, in the centre of the city, in its richest quarter. Instantly he issued orders upon orders. As soon as it was light, he himself hastened to the spot and threatened the Young Guard and Mortier.

And then with amazement, with incredulity, with indignation, she began to realize that he was proposing to go off by himself upon this vague extravagant research, that all this work she had been doing to make a social place for him in London was as nothing to him, that he was thinking of himself as separable from her.... "But, Cheetah! How can you leave your spotless leopard?

His incredulity vanished and he knew! He lay back against the cab cushion and laughed, silently. His mirth grew. His laughter was almost beyond control. This was the thing that had bothered him, the "hidden angle" that had escaped him. He laughed until he shook. He had to put his hand to his mouth to prevent bursting into prolonged, riotous guffaws.