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Miss Verity's first instinct was to fling herself into the breech; and, directly her brother emerged from his room, demand for her protégée redress and reinstatement. Her second instinct was she didn't, in truth, quite know what for she grew sadly perplexed as she listened. Her sympathy, in fact, split into three inconveniently distinct and separate streams.

"But," said I, "though our luggage is far less heavy than would be that of a bride on Earth, and Eveena's forms the smallest portion of it, I should fancy that it must be inconveniently heavy for a balloon." "Certainly," he replied; "but we could send it by carriage even over the mountain roads. The boat, however, will go on, and will meet us some thirty miles beyond the point where we leave it."

Trevitt," she cried, as I rose to my feet with the corner of the rug in my hand, "what are you going to do?" She had run forward impetuously and was now standing close beside me inconveniently close. "I am going to raise this rug," I informed her. "That is, just at this corner. Pardon me, I shall have to ask you to move." "Certainly, of course," she stammered. "Oh, what is going to happen now?"

"No; but the deathblow already had been struck in your mind." "I don't understand." "Patanjali's meaning was the removal of DESIRE to kill." Sri Yukteswar had found my mental processes an open book. "This world is inconveniently arranged for a literal practice of AHIMSA. Man may be compelled to exterminate harmful creatures. He is not under similar compulsion to feel anger or animosity.

This right of denunciation does not hold, when things continue, however inconveniently to the neighborhood, according to the ancient mode. For there is a sort of presumption against novelty, drawn out of a deep consideration of human nature and human affairs; and the maxim of jurisprudence is well laid down, "Vetustas pro lege semper habetur." Such is the law of civil vicinity.

'I'm afraid you'll find it inconveniently large. 'Don't mention it, said Sam, taking a letter with a small enclosure. 'It's just possible as exhausted natur' may manage to surwive it. 'I hope we shall meet again, Sir, said the powdered-headed footman, rubbing his hands, and following Sam out to the door-step. 'You are wery obligin', sir, replied Sam.

"We are young, you know." "Melgrove!" the conductor howls, sleepily. "Melgrove! Melgrove!" The Crowe house was both small and inconveniently situated it was twenty full minutes walk from the station and though a little box of a garage had been one of the "all modern conveniences" so fervidly painted in the real estate agent's advertisement, the Crowes had no car.

Small as was the valise of the line officers, it must be still smaller; little as was the baggage of the staff officer, it must be less; and inconveniently contracted as was the size of the mess chests, they must be still further reduced.

One of the lessons of the war has been to disillusion us as to the effect of shrapnel fire. Positions which had been made theoretically untenable have again and again been found to be most inconveniently tenanted. Among the troops actually engaged the confidence in the effect of shrapnel fire has steadily declined with their experience.

Those who travelled over the Isthmus in those days will remember that boats on the Chagres River were propelled by natives not inconveniently burdened with clothing. These boats carried thirty to forty passengers each. The crews consisted of six men to a boat, armed with long poles.