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Very inconsiderate of them with my schools coming on but they would do it. Thursday? before the Eights? Won't my mother be chaperon enough?" "Certainly. But it only puts off the evil day." "When I must grovel to Mrs. Hooper? if I am to see anything of you? Splendid! You are trying to discipline me again as you did at Cannes!" In the semidarkness she could see the amusement in his eyes.

Hector Garret was blind to this contention. For his own part, he humoured Bridget or smiled at her asperities, as suited him; and it is probable that if he had been appealed to, he would have adopted his old favourite's side, and censured Leslie as touchy, inconsiderate, perhaps a little spiteful.

However, Themistocles immediately rejected the proposals of Pausanias, and wholly refused to be a party in the enterprise, though he never revealed his communications, nor disclosed the conspiracy to any man, either hoping that Pausanias would desist from his intentions, or expecting that so inconsiderate an attempt after such chimerical objects would be discovered by other means.

Shaw, and she was sure her niece appreciated it though she was afraid she hadn't thanked Mr. Shaw properly. By this time it was perfectly clear that Mr. Shaw had been most inconsiderate in dashing out after me in that thoughtless manner.

Wherefore, yielding to the dictates of prudence and honour, he was now as prompt to quench, as he had been inconsiderate in conceiving, his unfortunate passion for the lady; and fearing her answers, he refrained from further jesting with her, and dismissing his hopes devoted himself to his breakfast, which done, he disarmed suspicion of the dishonourable purpose of his visit by an early departure, and thanking her for the honour she had conferred upon him, and commending her to God, took the road to Genoa.

"Oh, if it is a custom of the house," she said, coldly for she thought it was inconsiderate of him to risk bringing back her headache "I have no objection whatever." And so he turned to Hamish and said something in the Gaelic. Hamish replied in English, and loud enough for Miss White to hear. "It is no pibroch there will be this night, for Donald is away." "Away?" "Ay, just that.

And, chief of all, by the custom of an intense and inconsiderate selfishness. How many there are who require no other sanction for what they do than "that pleases me," or "this gratifies me!" It is wonderful what a mighty agent self is, estimated by its own standards. It is the hero of every exploit, the centre of every event, and the oracle of all opinions.

The latter had been most anxious to approach his really good hearted companion, with a view to soothe his wounded feelings, and to convey, in the fullest and most convincing terms, the utter disclaimer of his inconsiderate brother officers, to reflect seriously on his conduct in the recent retreat or, indeed, to intend their observations for any thing beyond a mere pleasantry.

I am keeping two or three pretty anecdotes about this to tell you when we meet. Why is the theatre such a general cause of delirium? Once one is on that ground, ordinary conditions are changed. They are very inconsiderate of one. They never salute one! I swear to you on my word of honor that that happened to me on account of le Candida.

On despairingly seeking the why and wherefore of this change, she had been told of all sorts of blunders committed by the Cardinal, acts of rough sternness, unseasonable manifestations of opinion, inconsiderate words or actions which had sufficed to wound people, in fact such provoking demeanour that one might have thought it adopted with the express intention of spoiling everything.