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The legislator in a monarchy knows that poverty is inseparable from that form of government and are reconciled to it. Our legislators are reconciled to the same conditions. They do not see the incongruity of conforming the legislation of a republic to the economic laws of a monarchy. They do not know what a government by the people and for the people means.

Neither need we despair of one day meeting with the signs of Man's existence in the forest bed Number 3, or in the overlying strata 3 prime, on the ground of any uncongeniality in the climate or incongruity in the state of the animate creation with the well-being of our species.

He saw her more clearly than ever before; as if her words had illuminated her extraordinary delicacy of being, had made visible all the infinite refinements of which she was the result. He had a recurrence of his sense of her incongruity here, balanced on polished black pattens, against the darkening hills.

His Highness came by the nickname honestly enough and yet those who heard it for the first time had difficulty in repressing a smile at the incongruity of the title. In fact perhaps no term could have been found that would have been less appropriate. For Walter King possessed neither dignity of rank nor of stature.

"Thank you," said Virginia; "and now?" "Oh," smiled Dan, "the thought of fudge on a derelict was and is responsible for this twinkle." "I don't care," she frowned. "It is the person that rises superior to conditions who triumphs in this world. Anyway, you seem to be disposing of your share, despite your notions of incongruity."

Sidney, we know, was not altogether pleased with the homeliness of the verses dedicated to him; and there must have been not a few among Spenser's academic friends to feel a certain incongruity between the polished tradition of the Theocritean singing match and the present poem.

But the freakish incongruity of the speech did not strike Hyacinth. He found in it only two notes pity that such a fate awaited him, and contempt for the man who submitted to it. 'I cannot help myself. Will you not make an effort to understand? I am trying to; do what is right. She shook her head. 'No, he said, 'I know it is no use. You could not understand even if I told you all I felt.

The incongruity of Finucane's avocation, and his manners and appearance amused his new friend Pen.

But Lars Larssen, with his broad frame and his masterful step, was markedly out of harmony with that atmosphere of leisured artificiality. A lesser man would have been conscious of his incongruity not so with Larssen. He forced his personality on his environment. He made the Italian garden seem out of place in his presence.

He had that incongruity of common and elegant in which the habitually vulgar think they see the revelation of an eccentric existence, of the perturbations of sentiment, the tyrannies of art, and always a certain contempt for social conventions, that seduces or exasperates them.