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The fever of excitement, distrust, and animosity, is kept alive by incendiary and lying reports in the papers, and false representations of rebel detectives. The alarm is constantly abroad that the negroes are going to rise; this is utterly without foundation. The freedmen will not rise, though docile and submissive to every abuse that is heaped upon them in this city.

"Where?" "Under the bolster of a lawyer." "And what was his name?" "M. Nicolas David." "Where was he?" "At Lyons." "And who took it from under the bolster?" "One of my good friends." "Who is he?" "A monk." "His name?" "Gorenflot." "What! that abominable leaguer, who uttered those incendiary discourses at St. Genevieve, and again yesterday in the streets of Paris?"

They were solemnly told that their old masters were making arrangements to reënslave them, and all sorts of incendiary suggestions were made to them. It was by means of this secret society that the negroes were made to believe that they would be entitled to forty acres and a mule for voting for the candidates of the carpet-baggers.

People accuse me, not of being an incendiary Sansculotte, but of being a Tory, thank Heaven! Some one has written with a big brush, "He who is not a radical in his youth is a knave, he who is not a conservative in his age is a fool." The rough, if not rude, generalisation has been plausibly supported by the changes in the mental careers of Burke, Coleridge, Southey, and Wordsworth.

As specimens of "incendiary newspapers and other publications, put forth in the non-slave-holding States," the South Carolina official sent along with his message, copies of the Liberator and of Mr. Garrison's address to the "Free People of Color," for the enlightenment of the members of the Legislature.

Another must lead the van, or I retire from her standard." "Speak on!" cried Wallace, more surprised than confounded by this extraordinary attack. "What these illustrious chiefs have uttered, is the voice of us all!" was the general exclamation from a band of warriors who now thronged around the incendiary nobles.

"I like not the police just now. I have a plan of my own." She checked herself abruptly. "Have you seen the Star?" "No, Julie." "See, it says here" pointing to a paragraph in a folded sheet torn from a newspaper which she drew from under her apron "'Fire at Roebling's Plant of Incendiary Origin. Tell me, mademoiselle, what is Roebling's?"

There was something grand in Dionysia's gesture and the admirable accent of her voice, as she said, "Why don't you say at once, my mother, that Jacques is an incendiary and an assassin?" Raising her head with an air of dauntless energy, with trembling lips, and fierce glances full of wrath and disdain, she added,

'Over and above which, said Flora, 'I earnestly beg you as the dearest thing that ever was if you'll still excuse the familiarity from one who moves in very different circles to let Arthur understand that I don't know after all whether it wasn't all nonsense between us though pleasant at the time and trying too and certainly Mr F. did work a change and the spell being broken nothing could be expected to take place without weaving it afresh which various circumstances have combined to prevent of which perhaps not the least powerful was that it was not to be, I am not prepared to say that if it had been agreeable to Arthur and had brought itself about naturally in the first instance I should not have been very glad being of a lively disposition and moped at home where papa undoubtedly is the most aggravating of his sex and not improved since having been cut down by the hand of the Incendiary into something of which I never saw the counterpart in all my life but jealousy is not my character nor ill-will though many faults.

It blew across his sheltered soul like a draught, an uncomfortable, cold-producing draught and when he found himself applauding with the others, he knew that something dangerous, radical, subtle and evil had been let loose the girl would have to be watched. She was a fire-brand, an incendiary she would put notions in peoples' heads. It was well he had heard her and could sound the warning.