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It supplies the lack of company, and has a comforting effect for the solitary man. From afar off comes occasionally the sound of the drum or the bugle, fit accompaniment for such surroundings. At the foot of the belfry was an antique building in another style, with a small open colonnade, which, though out of harmony, was still not inappropriate.

Subsidence would follow the ejection of quantities of such matter; and hence the word 'overthrew, which seems inappropriate to a mere conflagration, would be explained.

Furthermore, the colour favoured by her hunter's green though of a harmonious tint as regards the prevalent tone of the forest glades wherein we counted on roaming in a care-free manner, was by reason of its very name inappropriate, since in a carnal sense we should not be hunters at all, meaning to woo the wild creatures by acts of kindness rather than to slay them with lethal weapons.

Then when delusions or hallucinations are eventually spoken of by the patient, an appropriate or adequate reaction is lacking. In a benign psychosis false ideas do not appear with an equable mood unless the stupor reaction has already begun. More important than this, although in benign stupors there may be a reduction or an insufficient affect, it is never inappropriate.

Other singers toy with chain or fan, movements which may be very inappropriate to the sentiment of the song they are singing. For myself I prefer to hold in hand a small book containing the words of my songs, for it seems to be more graceful and Jess obtrusive than the other ways I have mentioned.

But if the trees ever bear fruit, the women are prohibited from eating thereof, for fear of displeasing the bad spirit, Anit. And here it may not be inappropriate to remind the reader that Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, notwithstanding she knew it would displease the GOOD SPIRIT.

Certain accessory points of the design served well to convey the idea that this excavation lay at an exceeding depth below the surface of the earth. No outlet was observed in any portion of its vast extent, and no torch or other artificial source of light was discernible; yet a flood of intense rays rolled throughout, and bathed the whole in a ghastly and inappropriate splendor.

While Jesus was, in his wonted way, preaching the kingdom to a great multitude, one of the audience, taking advantage probably of some momentary pause in the discourse, broke in upon the solemn exercises with the inappropriate and incongruous demand, "Master, speak to my brother that he divide the inheritance with me."

"Indeed! very remarkable!" "I mean not although but I thought I would cast her horoscope. And I did so." "In the square?" asked Malkiel, with quiet, but piercing, irony. "Yes," said the Prophet, with sudden heat. "Why not?" Malkiel smiled with an almost paternal pity, as of a thoughtful father gazing upon the quaint and inappropriate antics of his vacant child.

If a girl in his office dresses in a way that he considers inappropriate, a man may tactfully suggest that something simpler would be more dignified and more in keeping with business ideals and traditions. But, oh, he must be careful! On no subject is one so sensitive as on his personal appearance, and women, perhaps, more so than men.