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DeBar watched him as he wiped his weapon and saw that Philip lubricated each of the five cartridges which he put in the chamber. Afterward they smoked. Then DeBar stretched himself out in one of the two bunks, and his heavy breathing soon gave evidence that he was sleeping. For a time Philip sat beside the stove, his eyes upon the inanimate form of the outlaw.

If the fundamental proposition of evolution is true, namely, that the entire world, animate and inanimate, is the result of the mutual interaction, according to definite laws, of forces possessed by the molecules which made up the primitive nebulosity of the universe; then it is no less certain that the present actual world reposed potentially in the cosmic vapour, and that an intelligence, if great enough, could from his knowledge of the properties of the molecules of that vapour have predicted the state of the fauna in Great Britain in 1888 with as much certitude as we say what will happen to the vapour of our breath on a cold day in winter.

The form of drama is abandoned, and in its place we have vivid rimed narrative, mingled with glowing pictures of natural scenery, taken at all hours of the day and night. Each of his poems must be taken as a whole, for each poem strives for a single effect. This effect is often gained by taking some object, animate or inanimate, as a symbol.

It is marvellous how many things, unheeded before, suddenly become dear. She then feels what a power of consecration there was in the mere presence of the one beloved; the spot he touched, the book he read, have become a part of him are no longer inanimate are inspired, and have a being and a voice.

Because I love you and whatever we do or say to each other, or have done, or have said, you've got to feel how much I do, how inanimate I am when you're gone. I can't even hate the damnable presence of PEOPLE, those people in the station who haven't any right to live I can't resent them even though they're dirtying up our world, because I'm engrossed in wanting you so.

"How's little " and caught sight of the inanimate child. "Little coward's fainted after throwing a fit over a common snake," observed the Colonel coolly. "Give him here," answered the Major, taking the boy tenderly in his arms, "and kindly er clear out." He did not wish to strike his friend and senior.

Yet she felt that she was under the mysterious spell of the friendship of inanimate things; and it seemed to her that the stones, the doors of houses, the lights behind the windowpanes, looked kindly upon her. She was alone, and she wished to be alone.

Prouder in his rags than the Emperor in his purple! and justly too, for he achieved the very apotheosis of dirt animate, no doubt, as well as inanimate. Or take the first Teutonic Emperor of Rome conqueror, arbitrator, legislator, and what not.

"It may be as you say," said the hunter, "I'm not one to disturb the faith of anybody. If the canoe is alive, as you think, then it is alive and all the better for us." "Spirits go into the bodies of inanimate things," persisted the red youth, "and make them alive for a while. All the people of the Hodenosaunee have known that for centuries."

I want three," remarked Alma with complacency, "and besides, there is plenty of driftwood at Golovin on the beach which we could have for nothing, and save buying coal at three dollars a sack as we do here," glancing at the scuttle near the range reproachfully, as if the poor, inanimate thing was to blame for prices. Little Alma was keen at a bargain.