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Speaking of those commoner forms of impurity to which I have referred, and which are so mischievous as stimulating immature functions, needing, as Acton over and over again insists, absolute quiet and rest for healthy development, Dr.

It is true that, when it has been guilty of unfaithfulness or sin, it is sensible of a certain cloud; but it passes over, without the soul itself doing anything to dispel it, or to cleanse itself; apart from which, any efforts it might make would be useless, and would only serve to increase its impurity; so that it would be deeply sensible that the second stain was worse than the first.

And whereas the Tincture of Gold is found in none more plentiful than in Mars and Venus, as Man and Wife, their bodies therefore are destroyed, and the tinging Spirit taken out of them, which makes Gold sanguin, being first opened and prepared, and by their food and drink it becomes volatile, wherefore this volatile Gold being satisfied with its food and drink, assumes its own bloud to it self, dries it up by its own internal heat, by the help and assistance of the vaporous fire, and there is a Conquest again, which is quite fix'd, makes the highest Constancy, that the Gold becomes an over-fix'd Medicine, by reason of abundance of Bloud it yields no Body, except another superfluous Body be again put to it, wherein the abounding fix'd bloud may disperse itself, this additional Metallick Body, by reason of the great heat of the fix'd Lions bloud, is penetrated as by fire, and purged from all impurity, and forthwith throughly digested to a perfect ripeness and fixedness: That first of all the Servant brings the Matter unto Riches, because the Master before could not spare any of his Cloaths to give away, seeing that Nature had lent and endowed him with one Noble Suit only; on the other side, the King, when he hath received his Aides and Contributions from his Subjects, can then distribute possessions, and permanent Liveries, that the Lord and Servant may remain both together; and do not think it strange, that the King needs to borrow of his Subjects, because their Bodies are unfix'd and inconstant, for they receive much, and yet can keep but little Credit: But if the King can participate thereof, he will the better overcome heat and Frost, than the Leprous Metals can; and henceforth by this Receipt he becomes particularly a Dominator and Conquerour of all other, with a great Victory and triumph of Riches and of Health to long Life.

It was time that villagers should have been stirring long ago, but not a soul was in sight. The air was becoming more and more oppressive, laden, it seemed, with some horrible impurity. There was a door open; she looked in, and saw grim emptiness.

Another class was restrained by a sentiment possibly the oldest and most general amongst men; that which casts a spell of sanctity around wells and springs, and stays the hand about to toss an impurity into a running stream; which impels the North American Indian to replace the gourd, and the Bedouin to spare the bucket for the next comer, though an enemy.

But the impurity of his blood as an Idumean, and his undisguised attachment to the religion of his Gentile masters, created an obstacle to a complete understanding with his subjects, which no degree of personal kindness, or of wisdom and munificence in the conduct of public affairs, could ever entirely remove.

Pope Sixtus IV. ordered a number of edifices to be erected expressly for the accommodation of the semi- Nuns of Rome, from whose impurity he derived a large annual revenue, under the form of a license; besides which, the prices of absolution for the different violations of the seventh commandment are as regularly fixed as the value of beads, soul-masses, blessed water, and every other article of Popish manufacture.

But, on the other hand, he was a Voltaire in sensual impurity. To work, to carry on a plot, to affect his readers by voluptuous impressions, these were the unworthy aims of Wieland; and though a good-natured critic would not refuse to make some allowance for a youthful poet's aberrations in this respect, yet the indulgence cannot extend itself to mature years.

Recall my senses unto Thyself, cause me to forget all worldly things; grant me quickly to cast away and despise the imaginations of sin. Succour me, O Eternal Truth, that no vanity may move me. Come unto me, O Heavenly Sweetness, and let all impurity flee from before Thy face.

He's got a healthy colour a very healthy colour." Mr. Scutts waited until he had left the house and then made a few remarks on the colour question that for impurity of English and strength of diction have probably never been surpassed.