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Nusbaum also finds two causes of war, the expansion impulse and the egoism of species, which leads to long enmities. History shows that we must accept hatred as an underlying cause of war. The reaction of deep anger which may be aroused by a variety of situations that arise among nations, especially when it is, so to speak, an outbreak of a long continued hatred, is a proximate cause of wars.

From this dream she awoke with a more distinct memory of Adams than she had had for many days; and she felt again the impulse to unburden her heart to him, which she had resisted on the afternoon they walked together down Fifth Avenue.

With Columbus and Hervey and you, the world " She stopped, laughing softly at the thrust, and moved the dust about with her foot. "In spite of the sarcasm, I am going to add that I feel a personal satisfaction in your being a woman who does think, and acts more on thought than impulse." "'Personal satisfaction' sounds very royal and august.

From the outside door the sound of furious knocking occurred suddenly. "That sounds to me like like parents' knocking," shivered Flame. "It sounds to me like an escaped Lay Reader," said her Host. With a single impulse they both started for the door. "Don't worry, Little Girl," whispered the young Stranger in the dark hall. "I'll try not to," quivered Flame. They were both right, it seemed.

At last, by a sudden impulse, just as our train was crawling out of a suburban station, he sprang on to the platform and pulled me out after him. 'Excuse me, my dear fellow, said he, as we watched the rear carriages of our train disappearing round a curve, 'I am sorry to make you the victim of what may seem a mere whim, but on my life, Watson, I simply can't leave that case in this condition.

"She'll take care of Steve. It's me for that murderer," the young man thought. Acting upon that impulse, he slid from his horse and slipped into the sagebrush of the hillside. By good fortune he was wearing a gray shirt of a shade which melted into that of the underbrush. Night falls swiftly in the mountains, and already dusk was softly spreading itself over the hills.

"No, mother, I am not asleep," she replied, quite loudly. Her mother came and sat down on the bed beside her. She patted Lily's cheeks, and felt for her hand. Lily's impulse was to snatch it away, but she was too gentle. She let it remain passively in her mother's nervous clasp. "Lily, my dear child, I have something to tell you," whispered Mrs. Merrill. Lily said nothing.

The traditions of Harrow, Oxford, and the melodrama united to give him an indication of the proper conduct of the situation, and against them was ranged nothing more than one feral impulse to take Banks by the throat and settle his blasphemous assumption of rivalry off-hand. But it was, I think, a third influence that decided the struggle for that time.

"So you came to-night to tell me all this?" she asked as soon as she could trust herself to speak. Her impulse was to shriek out her indignation, her horror of him, into his face. She longed to call down God's eternal curse upon this fiend; but instinctively she held herself in check. Her indignation, her words of loathing would only have added to his delight.

Let Arthur be, in truth, my brother: give me, if I prove myself, as I feel assured, entitled to hold the name my father bore, give me your daughter as my wife; give me Camilla, and I will not envy you the lands I am willing for myself to resign; and if they pass to any children, those children will be your daughter's!" The first impulse of Mr.