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Poor Nobbles must have thought he was being taken off by a lion. I expec' he was dre'ffully frightened. You see, Nobbles isn't just a stick at all. 'What is he? I see he has a wonderful head! 'Yes; he's Nobbles. He paused, then added impressively: 'He's my 'ticylar friend; we always live together. He understands all I say, but he can't speak. 'I see.

"Why, what have you got that belongs to me, Aunt Sylvia?" "You wait a minute." Sylvia and Rose both stood beside the white dressing-table, and Sylvia opened the boxes, one after another, and slowly and impressively removed their contents, and laid them in orderly rows on the white dimity of the table. The lamplight shone on them, and the table blazed like an altar with jewelled fires. Rose gasped.

We've got a paper bag of cakes and chocolates, and we'll get along all right." "Listen," said the millionaire, impressively. "My name is Pilkins, and I'm worth several million dollars. I happen to have in my pockets about $800 or $900 in cash.

'But Joseph refused. Solomon Barzinsky coughed. Peleg the pawnbroker blew his nose like a protesting trumpet. The congregation's eyes returned from the balcony and converged upon the Parnass. He was taking snuff as usual. 'My brethren, began the preacher impressively, 'temptation comes to us all A sniff of indignant repudiation proceeded from many nostrils. A blush overspread many cheeks.

'Boys, said Henry, still low and breathlesly, but all the more impressively, 'what is to become of honour and mercy if such as you must needs become ravening wolves at scent of booty? 'It was not booty, Sir; they said traitors were hid here, said Percy, sulkily. 'Tush! the old story! Ever the plea for rapine and bloodthirstiness.

Munjoy, turned to Feldman in amazement. "What's all this, Feldman?" Munjoy cried. Feldman waved his hand impressively. "My objection is, sir, that a gross fraud has been practised on this court.

Then I assured him impressively once more that she had not meant to deceive him, and had had no thought of doing so; that there had been some misunderstanding, and that she had been very much hurt by the extraordinary way in which he had gone off that morning. He listened very attentively.

I'm interested in the bank, the sugar-mill, the hardware-store, the ice-plant Say, that ice-plant's a luxury for a town this size. D'you know what I made out of it last year?" "I've no idea." "Twenty-seven thousand dollars!" The father of Jonesville spoke proudly, impressively, and then through habit called upon his daughter for verification. "Didn't I, Paloma?"

But Nora often gives me a deal of trouble and if she takes to imitating Connie, and wanting to go about without a chaperon, I don't know what I shall do. My dear Ewen, do you know what I discovered last night?" Mrs. Hooper rose and stood over her husband impressively. "Well what?" "You remember Connie went to bed early.

The vicar looked gravely at her and spoke slowly and impressively: "If Dickie is a good little girl, and will go upstairs to the nursery directly, and stay there, father will ask if she may go and see the gee-gees."