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She was too slender. The woman looked at herself in the glass with a feeling of dismay. Was that really her face, the "beautiful Sophia Tiralla's" face? Her skin, which had been as smooth as satin, had begun to fade. Was her beauty disappearing? Was she to lose that as well, and at her age? A deep sigh full of the most grievous impotence filled the lonely room. Mr.

Therefore these emotions cannot be good of themselves, but only in so far as they are able to restrain the excesses of joy. We may here add that these emotions indicate want of knowledge and impotence of mind, and, for the same reason, confidence, despair, gladness, and remorse are signs of weakness of mind.

Love for an object eternal and infinite feeds the mind with joy alone, a joy that is free from all sorrow. Introductory The impotence of man to govern or restrain the emotions I call bondage, for a man who is under their control is not his own master, but is mastered by fortune, in whose power he is, so that he is often forced to follow the worse, although he sees the better before him.

As it is, you have your flatterers, your gossip, and your cards; I have my gin. Good-bye, Anastasia." "Simon, why have you done this?" The Vicar of Heriz Magna flung out his hands in a gesture of impotence. "I dare confess now that which even to myself I have never dared confess. I suppose the truth of it is that I have loved you all my life." "I am sorry. I am not worth it, Simon."

To the valid causes for divorce as laid down by Theodosius and Valentinian he added impotence; if a separation was obtained on this ground, the husband might retain ante-nuptial gifts. Abortion committed by the wife or bathing with other men than her husband or inveigling other men to be her paramours these offences on the part of the wife gave her husband the right of divorce.

It is these thorny "ifs" -the mutterings of impotence and despair which so often hedge round the field of possibility, and prevent anything being done or even attempted. "A difficulty," said Lord Lyndhurst, "is a thing to be overcome;" grapple with it at once; facility will come with practice, and strength and fortitude with repeated effort.

And it does not take much imagination to picture in this secluded spot or that, the sudden appearance of a masked bandit, gun in hand, and to hear the sharp quick commands, "Halt! and Hands up!" and to hear the "squeesch" of the brake on the wheel, to see the hands of driver, express-messenger, and passengers go up in helpless anger and furious impotence.

When the immediate causes of pleasurable and painful sensations are viewed as past or future, we have a new series of states. The remote causes of our pleasures and pains are more interesting than the immediate causes. The reason is their wide command. Thus, Wealth, Power, and Dignity are causes cf a great range of pleasures: Poverty, Impotence, and Contemptibility, of a wide range of pains.

Often, after having accompanied him for a long time, she would take her hands from the piano and sit silent with a strange and bitter sense of impotence, as if he were leading whither she could not follow. And Nap would play on and on in the quiet room, as though he played for her alone, with the sure hand of a master upon the quivering strings of her woman's heart.

Rome and the Cæsars, 1839. Various notes on Travels to the Pyrenean Mountains, Corsica, Spain and the Orient, from 1840 to 1850. The Plague in Florence, 1836 Rage and Impotence, 1836 The Society Woman, fantastic verses, 1836 Bibliomania, 1836 An Exquisite Perfume, or, The Buffoons, 1836. Dreams of the Infernal Regions, 1837 Passion and Chastity, 1837 The Funeral of Dr.