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She sat down on a divan, and he on a seat opposite, and Philippus began: "You were seeking handsome Orion just now, but you must. . . ." "What?" she asked gravely. "And I would have you to know that the son of the house is no more to me than his mother is. Your phrase 'Handsome Orion' seems to imply something that I do not again wish to hear.

Radical politics, in our present situation, must be regarded as one of our greatest dangers. Democracy has become the "great idea of the age." It is our own fundamental principle, so we of all people ought to be able to understand and to defend it and to define it. Yet many writers complain and more imply that the idea of democracy has never been very clear, and perhaps not even very sincere.

But, if a striking victory did not surrender Jugurtha into the hands of his conqueror and even the most glorious victory did not under the circumstances of the war imply the capture of the vanquished what means remained except negotiation and the voluntary surrender of the king? Such means had been employed by Bestia, and every one knew now with what result.

"That he had a uniform is possible, though I never saw him wear one, and it may have been blue for anything I know; but that wouldn't imply that he was in the Blues," replied his aunt, sedately. "No; the strange thing was that he suddenly went abroad, and for five-and-twenty years I never heard of him. And now he has written me a letter." "A letter!" cried Austin.

Little F. H used to look into E 's mouth to see where her smiles came from. "There is no Measure for Measure to my affections. If the earth fails me, I can die, and go to GOD," said . Selfishness is one of the qualities apt to inspire love. This might be thought out at great length. Boston, July 3d, 1839. I do not mean to imply that I am unhappy or discontented, for this is not the case.

"Then I shall insist on your taking another fifth interest in the invention. Upon that point I am immovable." Mr. Minford folded his arms likewise, to imply that nothing could shake his granitic determination. "Ah, now I see some prospect of a friendly arrangement.

No doubt you will tell me they have plenty of milk, buttermilk, I suppose, which I abhor. But do you think that I could live with pleasure on sawdust, just because I had milk to take to it?" "But milk implies cream, my dear," interposed the merchant, "and buttermilk implies butter, and both imply cows, which are strong presumptive evidence in favour of beef. Besides "

He was smiling graciously as he approached, and drawing a ring from his finger with an air of gracious meaning, which seemed to imply that he wished to make her a present, he raised it in his fingers with a pleased look, and placed it on the flat stones beside the clothes she had been beetling so industriously.

With a Democratic administration installed at Washington, and the power and prestige which that fact will imply and apply in the local politics of the States, and in no State more powerfully than in Massachusetts, where the shifting body of Independent voters, so-called, is largely made up of the Hessian element that will incline to whichever side has spoils to bestow, the Republican party in order to hold Massachusetts will have to cultivate and strengthen the alliance which it formed in the late election with the laboring class of voters.

'What do the words imply, for anybody? he said, with his eyes going down into hers as they did sometimes, like as if they would get at the yet unspoken thoughts. But hers fell again to the book. 'I suppose, they should mean what they say, she answered in the same slow fashion. 'But what that is, or at least would be, I do not very well know.