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Thus he made up his mind that, come of it what might, he would not leave Hollywell that day till the truth was told. Just as he was turning to find Mrs. Edmonstone and 'put his fate to the touch, a little figure stood beside him, and Amy's own sweet, low tones were saying, imploringly, 'Guy, I wanted to tell you how sorry I am you were so teased last night.

In these matters you must be obedient, or I can promise no good result. Are you still resolved?" "It is my last hope," thought Juliet, disheartened for a moment, and she bowed her head. "You are sure you can help me," said Juliet, imploringly, as would say one sick to the physician, in whom were placed all her hopes of life.

And then raising himself upon his elbow, he cried imploringly, "Mother, you fetch her!" He was speaking to his mother, whom he had loved very dearly his mother who had been dead fifteen years. Gilbert's mind went back to that far-away time in Egypt, when he had lain like this, helpless and unconscious, and this man had nursed and watched him with unwearying tenderness.

"I think it likely that your mamma and I will be going after a little," he said in reply; "but Grace is too weary to return there to-night, and you too would be the better able to enjoy yourself at the Fair to-morrow should you go early to bed to-night; so that is what I wish you to do." "Indeed, papa, I am not so very tired," she said half imploringly, half in vexation. "Mayn't I go?"

And it had cut off the view of all save the nearer mountain-peaks. Lad got to his feet; whining softly, under his breath. Ancestral instinct was fairly shouting to his brain that here was terrible peril. He strained at his thick rope; and looked imploringly down the wagon-road. The wind had swelled into something like a gale.

She had drawn off her gloves and was bending forward in her chair. Her big, childish, and somewhat restless blue eyes were fixed imploringly on my face. "I love my husband," she said, tears suddenly filling them "and it is dreadful, dreadful, to see him suffer as he does. He will die unless someone comes to his aid.

A deeper flush dyed Mary's cheek, and raising her large eyes imploringly to his face, she laid a finger on her lips. He nodded, as understanding her, and said in a low voice: "Katharina has been here? Susannah's gardener ties up flowers like that. The fan when I knocked she is here still perhaps?" He had guessed rightly; Mary pointed dumbly to the door of the adjoining room.

I that is you know, my dear Chevalier as a man of the world beautiful woman strong temptation " "Hold, sir!" cried the Chevalier "say no more, in that strain, or you die upon the instant. Duchess, tell me the meaning of all this." The lady raised her tearful eyes imploringly to the stern face of her brother, and said, in a voice rendered indistinct by her sobs

I was her favorite, and when I put my arms round her and looked at her imploringly she always said 'yes' to anything I asked her." A bright light shone in the boy's weary eyes; he had remembered a whole wealth of joys which left no depression behind them.

He wrote imploringly to his friends in England, in France, in Germany. He urged his brother Louis to bring a few soldiers, if it were humanly possible. "The whole country longs for you," he wrote to Louis, "as if you were the archangel Gabriel." The Prince, however, did all that it was possible for man, so hampered, to do.