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How far he was implicated in the insurrectionary movement it is now perhaps impossible to ascertain. The popular voice at Havana pronounced him its leader and projector, and as such he was condemned.

As it was shown that Calvi's mistress, implicated in the case, had spent about a thousand francs since the date of the crime and the day when Calvi tried to pledge the plate and trinkets, the evidence seemed strong enough to commit Calvi and the girl for trial.

He was clearly barking up the wrong tree at present; but so acute a mind could not be long deceived, and if once Leander was implicated his guilt would appear beyond denial. Would the police believe that the statue had run after him? No one would believe it! To be found in possession of that fatal work of art would inevitably ruin him.

The most logical method would be to study the scene of the crime first, but as that does not appear feasible until morning, we will examine such data as we have. On the face of it the only two who appear to be implicated are Radnor and this Cat-Eye Mose who is a most picturesque character," Terry added, the reporter for the moment getting ahead of the detective.

"You must promise not to hate me, not to curse me when you have heard. You'll despise me, you'll be horrified. But promise promise that you won't be cruel." "I am never cruel, Mary. Tell me how is Dick implicated?" "John, I have done a more dreadful thing than stealing money." "Mary!"

The venality of the judges of Rome was proverbial. Even in the comparatively virtuous age of Cicero, a friend wrote to him not to recall a certain great functionary, since he himself was implicated in his robberies, and the request was granted. The empire was regarded as spoil, and the provinces were robbed of their most valuable treasures.

I am struck by the storm, rooted up, laid waste: but you can stand against it; you are young and your passions are at peace. One word I might speak and then you would be implicated in my destruction; yet that word is hovering on my lips. Oh! There is a fearful chasm; but I adjure you to beware!" "Ah, dearest friend!" I cried, "do not fear! Speak that word; it will bring peace, not death.

But, implicated in the suit against her husband, she lost three-fourths of her fortune, and is now living with her daughter, whose debut is announced at the Bouffes-Parisiens, or at the Delassements-Comiques. Already, before that time, Mlle. Lucienne, completely restored, had married Maxence Favoral.

All we have or enjoy flows from, or is implicated with, pain and suffering in others, and if there is any justice in Nature or Humanity it demands an equivalent readiness to suffer on our part.

This is proved by the fact that we find it very difficult, in the majority of these cases, to say whom we are laughing at, although at times we have a dim, vague feeling that there is some one in the background. Moreover, the person implicated is not always the speaker. But in most cases we can hardly make up our minds whether the word is comic or witty.