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I did not know you were in England! What has brought you back again?" "Something wrong about the chest," replied the imperturbable wit. He was at this time the editor of the John Bull, a paper of considerable ability, and only less scurrility than the Age; and in spite of his chest difficulty he was much sought in society for his extraordinary quickness and happiness in conversation.

He fanned himself with his hat as he went on. Mr. Pryor strolled up the street with imperturbable benevolence. "Your coast is cleared," said Laura, "since you wouldn't clear it yourself." "Wish me luck," said Richard as he left her. She nodded brightly. The manner of this glance recalled to Laura what his mother had once said of him.

During the luncheon which followed, the envoys were still further impressed by his imperturbable confidence and trenchant phrases; as when he told them that the campaign was the exact counterpart of what he had planned in 1794; or described a council of war as a convenient device for covering cowardice or irresolution in the commander; or asserted that nothing could now stop him before the walls of Mantua.

It was the missing professor, looking just as they remembered him from the days when they sat in his class in Berkeley. There was the same trim figure, the same healthy cheeks, pleasant eyes and close-cropped white beard. Always there had been something imperturbable about the doctor he had that poise and equanimity which is ever the balance of sound judgment.

"Why sir," returned Bellew, grave, and imperturbable as ever, "it all depends." "Depends! upon what, may I ask?" "The moon, sir." "The moon?" "Precisely!" "And pray what can the moon have to do with your departure?" "A great deal more than you'd think sir. Had I the time, I should be delighted to explain to you exactly how much, as it is, permit me to wish you a very good evening!"

"And what was the result?" "Why, this. He was as polite and courteous as ever, and the same cold, imperturbable smile was on his thin lip; but he looked careworn, and upon his countenance was an expression of solicitude, when it was closely watched, which I never saw there before. Ah, Beauchamp, I envy not the Premier!" "And the guests?" asked the journalist.

"Shut the door, Mr. Torridon," he snapped. "I must have a word with you." Ralph closed the door and came across to Cromwell's table and stood there, apparently imperturbable, but with a certain quickening of his pulse. "What is this, sir?" snarled the other, taking up the letter that was laid at his hand. "Is it true?" Ralph looked at him coolly. "What is it, my Lord? Mr. Robert Benham?"

When the body of Philip was carried from the Cohue Royale signals were made to the Imperturbable in the tide-way. From all her ships in company forty guns were fired funeral-wise and the flags were struck halfmast. Slowly the cortege uncoiled itself to one long unbroken line from the steps of the Cohue Royale to the porch of the church.

Don't you be a fool, Bark, or you know it will be the worse for you. I don't care, says Bark. Give me my adjective trousers! At two o'clock in the morning, we descend into Bark's low kitchen, leaving Bark to foam at the mouth above, and Imperturbable Black and Green to look at him. Bark's kitchen is crammed full of thieves, holding a CONVERSAZIONE there by lamp-light.

"They are ships to defend Jersey," she said, watching the Imperturbable and its flotilla range on. "Will they affend us, maman?" "Perhaps-at the last," she said. Off Grouville Bay lay the squadron of the Jersey station. The St. George's Cross was flying at the fore of the Imperturbable, and on every ship of the fleet the white ensign flapped in the morning wind.