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The coal merchant read the Telegraph without stopping, missed the saucer, and, feeling abstractedly, put the cup down on the table-cloth. "Did you ever hear the like of that for impertinence?" Mrs. Parsons wound up, brushing the crumbs from her furs. "Hot milk and scone for one. Pot of tea. Roll and butter," cried the waitresses. The door opened and shut. Such is the life of the elderly.

"Dearest," he said, "I am sorry he should have spoken as he did, but the prayers of a good man" "I don't want his prayers," she interrupted, bewildered; "it seems to me simply impertinence!" "Helen," he said, "it cannot be impertinence to pray for a soul in danger, as yours is, my darling. I cannot tell how he knew it, but it is so.

He skipped from Pericles to Cromwell, from Cleopatra to Mary Stuart, from Sappho to Madame de Sablé; and he wrote of these departed spirits with such a charming impertinence, with such a delicious affectation of intimacy, that one would have thought he had sat by Cleopatra as she melted her pearls, and stood amongst the audience of Pericles when he pronounced his funeral oration.

"I see no profit in discussing matters which do not concern us," said he, and only his ministerial estate saved him from the charge of impertinence. As it was, Martha Loomis colored high. "I'll warrant he'll look out which side his bread is buttered on; ministers always do," she said to her daughters after he had gone. She never dreamed how her talk had cut him to the heart.

Improving the occasion's a riling thing, but there was never a slave in Dixie tighter bound than you." "That's an impertinence," Benson rejoined, flushing, as unsatisfied longing drove him to fury. "What business is it of yours to preach to me? Confound you! who are you? I tell you I won't have it. Give me food enough to last until I reach Sweetwater and let me go."

Any other topic, grave or gay, is looked upon in the light of impertinence, and sent to Coventry. Business is an interruption; pleasure a digression from it.

But Lockhard intimated to his master's servants and those of Lord Bittlebrains, in a tone of authority, that the slightest impertinence to the Master of Ravenswood's domestic would give Sir William Ashton the highest offence.

You're too much too Leave it to others! 'What others? 'Oh, the sort of woman who smells of india-rubber, he said, with smiling impertinence. 'The typical English spinster. You've seen her. Italy's full of her. She never goes anywhere without a mackintosh and a collapsible bath rubber. When you look at her it's borne in upon you that she doesn't only smell of rubber. She is rubber, too.

And, angry now at the idol himself, I arose and pressed the balls of my thumbs on the two scintillating clusters of jewels, as it were to shut out the gleam of their impertinence, even ready, in my insane access of wrath, to force them from their sockets as I might have done with the eyeballs of a slave who had offended me. "But in a moment all passion faded from my heart.

Swenson who, being practically amphibious, had not anticipated that anyone would have the cool impertinence to try to save him from drowning, found himself seized from behind and towed vigorously away from a ten-dollar bill which he had almost succeeded in grasping.