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Surely, surely, there was magic in the air to-night! Suddenly Lisbeth stopped, flushed and panting. "Well!" she exclaimed, staring from me to the Imp, and back again, "was ever anything so mad!" "Everything is mad to-night," I said; "it's the moon!" "To think of my running away like this with two two " "Interlopers," I suggested.

The first two, I need hardly remark, are the same who masqueraded as the Russian count and his son, so we can give a very full description of them. They were admitted by a confederate inside the house. If I might offer you a word of advice, Inspector, it would be to arrest the page, who, as I understand, has only recently come into your service, Doctor." "The young imp cannot be found," said Dr.

And then, just as he was about to spring upon her from the rear, she remarked, in an ordinary tone of voice and without moving her head: "Merry Christmas, ye young imp! I know you're there!" This was a disappointment; but Bobby bagged Martin by hiding in the storehouse; and Duke was too easy. After breakfast came the inevitable delay during which Bobby sat and eyed the parlour doors. Mr.

"Well!" said Lisbeth as we glided up to the water-stairs; "I wonder what mischief you have been after together?" "We have been floating upon a river of dreams," I answered, rising and lifting my hat; "we have likewise discoursed of many things. In the words of the immortal Carroll: "'Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, and cabbages, and " "Pirates!" burst out the Imp.

We all jumped the next ditch, but the shock was too much for the imp in his weakened condition; he tumbled off the pommel, and I have never seen him since. Our course lay along the hills on the east bank of Snake River that day. We discovered another beautiful sapphire lake in a setting of green hills. Several ducks were gliding over its surface.

His companions were not long in comprehending his wishes, and laying aside their fire-arms, they parted, taking opposite sides of the path, and burying themselves in the thicket, with such cautious movements, that their steps were inaudible. "Now, go you back," said the hunter, speaking again to Heyward, "and hold the imp in talk; these Mohicans here will take him without breaking his paint."

And a little farther to the south, Mary V was making life unpleasant for the telephone operator and for her mother who preached patience and courtesy to those who toll, and for her dad who had ventured to inquire what she wanted to dog that young imp for, anyway, and why didn't she try waiting until he showed interest enough in somebody besides himself to call her up?

"An' 'maroon them on a desolate island with a low chuckle'?" "Many a time," I answered; "and generally with chuckle." "Oh. I should like to read about him!" said the Imp with a deep sigh; "will you lend me your book about him, Uncle Dick?" I shook my head. "Unfortunately, that, together with many other valued possessions, has been ravaged from me by the ruthless maw of Time," I replied sadly.

"'Is it a man? said the captain, staring up with amazement, while the seamen came hustling close in a sneaking way to listen, and the Dutchman drew close to the mate. "'It has the looks of a man, said the mate; 'yet it sha'n't be murder if you kill him. "'She vos no man, sir. I vos close. I vent closer don you. I oxpect, sir, said the Dutchman, 'she's an imp.

But no sooner had we got to Berlin, and while I was as yet too busy to provide either masters or occupations for my young gentleman, than he did indeed make me feel that I had charge of a young imp, and that if I did not watch the better, it might be a case of war with his Spanish Majesty.