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The first meaning, that of a builder, is the most correct. Lastly, the imagination is the exercise of mental imagery the picturings of silent thought. And now we will proceed BACKWARDS. Imagination is from the word "image," a form, a picture, and has descended to us from the Latin "imago," which, in its turn, was derived from the old Semitic root, "mag."

Or perhaps they may not, in which event the victim can only surmise himself the Imago of some pre-existent larval aspiration the full development of desires long dormant in a chain of more limited lives....

When four weeks old they creep to the ground, or let themselves down by spinning a silken thread, and burrow from two to six inches in the soil, where they change to chrysalids in a day or two, and in this state live till late in the fall, or until the early spring, when they assume the imago or moth form. The sexes then unite, and the eggs are deposited for the next generation.

See Ramsay, R.A., 381. katephilesen. It is used of the woman who was a sinner, when she kissed the feet of the Saviour. Psalm lv. 13-14. Other instances in Süskind, Passionsschule, in loc. See fuller details in Imago Christi, last chapter.

We have appropriate names for all the aspects of life in the Insect: we call it Larva in its first or Worm-like period, Chrysalis in its second or Crustacean-like phase of life, and Imago in its third and last condition as Winged Insect.

If any one speaks near the mouth, it soon after repeats in an extraordinary articulate manner the last two syllables uttered, a veritable "Jocosa Imago." Drop in a pin, and after eight seconds its click is heard as it touches the water. A stone produces a veritable detonation. There is another Troglodyte town, also formerly walled, Les Roches, above Montoire.

By day or night no ant or other edible thing seemed ever to approach or be entrapped; and month after month there was no sign of change to imago. Yet each pit held a fat, enthusiastic inmate, ready at a touch to turn steam-shovel, battering-ram, bayonet, and gourmand. Among the first thousand-and-one mysteries of Kartabo I give a place to the source of nourishment of the sub-bungalow ant-lions.

The process of sexual selection will have been much facilitated, if the conclusion can be trusted, arrived at from various kinds of evidence in the supplement to the ninth chapter; namely, that the males of many Lepidoptera, at least in the imago state, greatly exceed the females in number.

Does this metamorphosis take place in the blind Drosophila of the milk-bottle? The larva of the fly is, I believe, eyeless like the larvae of other Diptera, but Morgan says nothing of the eye being developed in the imago or pupa and then degenerating. There is therefore no relation or connexion between the mutation he describes and the evolution of blindness in cave animals.

These insects belong among the orthoptera an order including species whose transformations are less complete than in other groups, and whose larval and pupal forms are very active, and closely resemble the imago.