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As in many ancient houses, the staircase got its light from without and had a view on the street. The street-lantern, situated directly opposite, cast some light on the stairs, and thus effected some economy in illumination. Jean Valjean, either for the sake of getting the air, or mechanically, thrust his head out of this window. He leaned out over the street.

What were the truths, what was his contribution to the illumination of Europe, and to the Church? Three great principles which perhaps closer analysis might reduce to one; but which for popular use, on such an occasion as the present, had better be kept apart will state his service to the world.

Gertie glanced back at Lady Douglass in a more friendly way. Clarence had been dropped owing, apparently, to want of sympathy, and Trew was selected as one more likely to agree with arguments. "Mr. Douglass's mother is in town," mentioned Miss Loriner, "but she is resting this afternoon." "I wasn't aware he had a mother." "Oh!" With illumination. "Then you haven't known him long.

"The people look as if they were having more fun than they do in England." The Place de la Concorde spreading its stately spaces a world of illumination, movement, and majestic beauty held him as though by a fascination. He wanted to stand and stare at it, first from one point of view and then from another.

The different love of Nature that the child knows instinctively; that young men and maidens forget in the heat of themselves but that comes again to us if we grow decently older; in rock and thicket, in the voices of running water, in every recess of woodland and arch of shore not the Pipes of Pan, but the mysteries of God, not sensuousness, but the awakening of a spirit that has slumbered the illumination, sudden and splendid, that all is One that Nature is the plane of manifestation for the infinite and perfect story of God; that Nature is the table which God has filled to overflowing this is a suggestion, a beginning of the lifted love of Nature....

It was the apparition of a light which has gone out. I stopped, and was a little fearful. Was that street really there? I thought its illumination might be a ghostly sunlight haunting an avenue leading only to the nowhere of the memory. Did the others who were passing see that by-way? I do not think so. They never paused.

In the centre of the room, under the electric lights which, however, were only fitted towards the end of M. Zola's sojourn at the hotel, so that throughout the winter a paraffin lamp supplied the necessary illumination stood the table at which one lunched and dined. It was round and would just accommodate four persons.

In the trees were the voices of the mystic Birds that are the utterance of the Blessed One, proclaiming in harmony the Five Virtues, The Five Powers, the Seven Steps ascending to perfect Illumination, the Noble Eightfold Path, and all the Law.

But the terrible enemy of all broods, the Snake, is, it is said, frightened by this illumination, which is able to penetrate the meshes of the nest, and will not dare to enter. The system is ingenious, and the Roman Emperors, when they used burning Christians as torches, were only plagiarising from this little bird, which paves with martyrs the threshold of its house of love.

We must pass over the hours as only stories and dreams do, and put ourselves, at ten of the clock that night, behind the green curtain and the footlights, in the blaze of the three rows of bright lamps, that, one above another, poured their illumination from the left upon the stage, behind the wide picture-frame. Susan Josselyn and Frank Scherman were just "posed" for "Consolation."