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Now as a Roman Catholic he had little respect for an Ikon of the Eastern Church, nor as a Frenchman could he be expected to entertain lively feelings of gratitude to a miracle-working picture which was supposed by Russians to have brought about the terrible disasters to his countrymen in 1812.

To soften the last words, she stroked his head and said: "You're not good-looking, but you're a dear." She was so agitated that a faint flush came into her cheeks, and she began discussing eagerly whether it would be the proper thing for her to bless Alyosha with the ikon at the wedding.

He wore a long cloth overcoat with yellow bone buttons, blue trousers not thrust into his boots, and sturdy goloshes the huge clumsy goloshes only seen on the feet of practical and prudent persons of firm religious convictions. His torpid eyes, sunk in fat, were fixed upon the ikon stand.

The doctor who had examined her had not been requested to take up the case; and as yet, she asked help of none. It was weeks before old Másha, coming, one afternoon, into the Princess' rooms with tea, found her mistress on her knees before the ikon, passionately demanding strength for continued silence.

You also know how in the corner of every room hangs the ikon, how the gold or blue-domed basilica strikes you in every street, the long-haired priests chanting in their deep bass, the passer-by ceaselessly crossing himself, the peasantry crushed and down-trodden, and the middle and upper classes lapped in luxury and esteeming good manners more highly than morals.

All that she had heard was ringing in her ears, and human life presented itself to her as a beautiful poetic fairy-tale without an end. The immense impression grew and grew, clouded consciousness, and turned into a sweet dream. She was asleep, though she saw the little ikon lamp and a big nose with the light playing on it. She heard the sound of weeping.

Then it is instilled into the child as it is brought up that at the sight of any church or ikon he must repeat the same action i. e., cross himself.

He is slow to move, with the indolence of old age, but this does not prevent the fair sex from taking him about in boats, driving with him to the neighbouring estates, and singing songs to him. Here he is by way of being the same thing as in Petersburg i.e., an ikon which is prayed to for being old and for having once hung by the side of the miracle-working ikons.

"A study of such things is a study of religious expression at different periods and among different peoples. They've always interested me." "They interest me, also." Mr. Guard stood before the ikon, looked long upon it before coming back to the fire and again sitting down. For a moment he gazed into it as if forgetting where he was, then he leaned back in his chair and turned to me.

Sitting there in the corner, beneath the green leaves, she looked at once like a flower, and like an ikon. "See, Sophya Pavlovna, how he is staring at you. An eagle, eh?" said Ignat. Her eyes became narrower, a faint blush leaped to her cheeks, and she burst into laughter. It sounded like the tinkling of a little silver bell. And she immediately arose, saying: "I wouldn't disturb you. Good-bye!"