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She encouraged the revolution, since it proved a drain on Philip's resources and an efficient protection from Spanish enterprise against England, but she would not openly break with Spain. Only France remained. As early as July 1578, Count de Lalaing endeavoured to repeat with the Duke of Anjou, Henry III's brother, the manoeuvre of Aerschot.

King Edward III's sword and shield-of-state stand beside the chair. There is something about these three objects which makes one stand long before them. They are so ancient so deeply impressive and embody so much of English history itself. In a little room above one of the smaller chapels are found the curious Wax Effigies.

The leaderless English lost battle after battle, until of all France they retained only Edward III's first conquest, the city of Calais.

I have read your memorial: the earnest terms in which it is cast reveal a respectful humility on your part, which is highly praiseworthy. He goes on to explain, with the patient manner appropriate in dealing with an importunate child, why George III's desires cannot possibly be gratified.

The chivalry, however, which was in fashion as the century advanced, was one outwardly far removed from the sturdy simplicity of Chaucer's "Knight," and inwardly often rotten in more than one vital part. In show and splendour a higher point was probably reached in Edward III's than in any preceding reign.

Probably, tired from their long cramped cruises, impatient for their fling, they just didn't care a whoop. The whole jumble that was this famous space port rested in the heart of Satellite III's primeval jungle. Tall electric-wired fences girdled Port o' Porno to keep the jungle back.

The defendant was Lindsay of the Byres, one of the chief of James III's supporters, he who had given the King that ominous gift of a fleet courser on the eve of the battle. When he appeared at the bar of the house so to speak before Parliament the following "dittay" or indictment was made against him:

The district is of historic, no less than of topographical interest. The Vale was known in former times as the Forest of White Hart, from a curious legend of King Henry III's reign, in which the killing by a certain Thomas de la Lynd of a beautiful white hart which the king had run down and spared, was made the occasion of a heavy fine.

Kenelm Digby owed a good deal to circumstances, but he owed most of all to his own rich nature. His family was ancient and honourable. Tiltons originally, they took their later name in Henry III's time, on the acquisition of some property in Lincolnshire, though in Warwickshire and Rutland most of them were settled. Three Lancastrian Digby brothers fell at Towton, seven on Bosworth Field.

See Boswell's Hebrides, Aug. 19. Ante, i. 135. Horace Walpole, after mentioning that George III's mother, who died in 1772, left but £27,000 when she was reckoned worth at least £300,000, adds: 'It is no wonder that it became the universal belief that she had wasted all on Lord Bute.