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Was im Herzen sie im Stillen Fest verschliessen, stumm verhüllen, Ist ihr richtigs Angesicht." An overwhelming majority of Germans believe that this is man's real portrait; an overwhelming majority of Americans would not even understand it. The German army is the antidote to this lack of physical discipline, this lack of strenuous physical life.

"Ich schlief, ich schlief, Aus tiefem Schlaf bin ich erwacht: Die Welt ist tief, Und tiefer als der Tag gedacht." the last phrase of which was repeated by the accompaniment, a semitone higher. Tief ist ihr Weh, Lust tiefer noch als Herzeleid: As far as this, the voice had been supported by simple, full-sounding harmonies.

Whereupon the whole Prussian column marches in; tramp tramp, without music, through the streets: in the Market-place they fold themselves into a ranked mass, and explode into wind-harmony and rolling of drums. Liegnitz, mostly in nightcap, looks cautiously out of window: it is a deed done, IHR HERREN; Liegnitz ours, better late than never; and after so many years, the King has his own again.

I induced the printer of Rockel's Volksblatt, which was for the moment at a standstill, to employ all the type he would have used for his next number, in printing in huge characters on strips of paper the words: Seid Ihr mit uns gegen fremde Truppen?