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The great advertisers are practically ignoring us. We are losing money fast. That is what happens to any one who dares to raise a finger against the accursed idols of this country. Three of the greatest advertisement contractors have given us notice that they have struck off our paper from their list. It is your father's doings, Stella.

The flavour is achievement, but the fruit should be the assured sense of happiness. "One or another In money or guns may surpass his brother. But whoever shall know, As the long days go. That to live is happy, has found his heaven." It is in ignoring this doctrine of the poet that so many men go wrong.

Vaguely I knew that Nanny had put the kettle on the fire a woman's first thought when there is illness in the house and as I sat with my hands over my face I heard the water dripping from my clothes to the floor. "Why is that bell ringing?" I asked at last, ignoring all questions and speaking through my fingers. An artist, I suppose, could paint all expression out of a human face.

The average was about 425 acres per plantation, expected to yield about 1200 pounds of rice per acre each year. A census tabulation in 1850, ignoring any smaller units, numbered the plantations which produced annually upwards of 20,000 pounds of rice at 446 in South Carolina, 80 in Georgia, and 25 in North Carolina.

Their job was to delay and to pull the fighters away from the bombers. Sim handled the situation well. The Thunderbolts did not break away, nor were they delayed. They met each thrust and stab, but they refused to be pulled into side shows. For once O'Malley was ignoring a Jerry fighter. He was well up in front heading straight for Germany. Stan was in the rear where he had been spotted.

Age, which had whitened his hair and enfeebled his voice, seemed also to have given him the privilege of ignoring everything but the grave and the mysteries beyond. These swift processes of change and decay were calculated to make a profound impression, but my attention was called away from all such reflections.

Never was there so much beholding and yet ignoring of the Divine as now. Science is searching for God, and is getting closer to Him every day; the Church remains stationary and refuses to look out beyond her own pale of thought and conventional discipline.

Moon at any rate found consolation in disaster by steadily ignoring its most humiliating features. Secure in the new majesty of her widowhood, she faced her nieces with an unflinching air and demanded of them eternal belief in the wisdom and rectitude of their uncle Tollington. She hoped that they would never forget him, never forget what he had to bear, never forget all he had done for them.

"I will tell mother," said Dora Glynde, purposely ignoring Arthur Agar, whose name was always dragged sooner or later into every conversation. "Fancy Jem in a helmet, or a turban, with his face blacked! All the same, if I were a man I should be a soldier. When does he go to join his regiment?" "Oh, almost at once." The girl winced, quietly, between herself and the blind-cord.

Max, however, could not forgive Stanton for ignoring the exquisite blossom of love that might be his, and grasping instead some wild scarlet flower of the desert not fit to be touched by a hand that had pressed Sanda's little fingers. He did not know whether or not to be equally ashamed of the curiosity which made him say to Pelle that he would see the dancer; but he yielded to it.