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So it was only twenty-four hours later that Ignacio Chavez stood in the old Mission garden and made his bells talk, just the three upon the western arch, the Little One, La Golondrina, and Ignacio Chavez, the golden-throated trio that tinkled to the touch of his cunning hand and seemed to laugh and sing and proclaim the gladdest of glad tidings.

Some of Caesar's legionaries once pressed their swords at his breast. Such old hands in human psychology had the presence of mind to smile. And the history of the West is full of examples which have not been recorded. Go on, Mary!" "Ignacio says he has a devil in him," she added. "That little Indian has a lot of primitive race wisdom. Probably he is right," her father said soberly.

There were two or three mestizo families in the village, some of whom were whiter, or rather, less coppery than the others, and from these the misterios would select and carry off the best-looking maidens; for what purpose Fray Ignacio could not tell, but, as he feared, to sacrifice to their gods.

"I wonder how Ignacio likes this anyhow," thought Clif. But he had no time to inquire the Spaniard's views on the struggle; Clif was too busily waiting and counting the seconds. He did not think it would be very long before the enemy's ship would be after them again; and yet several minutes passed before any sign of the pursuit was given.

"The big fellow adjourned to the rear and proceeded to wash and drain his quail. After some little time, he called to the cook: 'Ignacio, I smell kerosene. Look in the wagon, please, and see if the lantern isn't leaking. "'In a minute, answered the cook, busy elsewhere. "The sheriff went on washing the quail, and when about halfway through the task, he halted.

"The devil is out of Señor Don't Care!" It was the voice of Ignacio, who had come around the house in time to witness the scene. "What fearful strength! You will kill him!" It was the voice of the Doge, from the porch. "Yes, please stop!" Mary pleaded. Suddenly, at the sound of her cry, Jack released his hold. The strong column of his neck became apparently too weak to hold the weight of his head.

Slowly Ignacio reached his hand inside of his shirt and pulled out a little bag. He loosened the mouth of it and took the contents out. He spread them out on the floor of the car. "It is American money," he said, "the money of the pigs. But it is good money for all that." "How much is there?" "Ha! ha! You are interested, are you? Well, well!"

I was in this mood, and ready for any enterprise, however desperate, when one morning a young woman who had been driving cattle to an upland pasture, came running to Fray Ignacio to say that she had seen a troop of horsemen coming down from the mountains. "The misterios!" said the priest, turning pale. "Are you still resolved, señor?"

The cadet paced up and down the deck; he had been doing that for perhaps the last half hour, stopping only to say a cheery word to the lookouts and once to prop up Ignacio, who was being rolled unceremoniously about the deck. The cunning Spaniard looked so bedraggled and miserable that Clif would have felt sorry for him if he had not known what a villain he was.

When the presidente discovered my intention, he insisted upon supplying a mounted and armed escort, and at the same time gave me a general letter to the eleven towns, in which strict orders were given that my wishes should be respected, and dire threats made in case any one should show me aught but the greatest consideration. Ignacio accompanied me.