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Icing to fill and put over top of Pecan Cake Whites of six eggs, beaten stiff with powdered sugar; one small can of grated pineapple and two cups of pecans, chopped fine. The nuts should soak awhile in the pineapple before mixing them into the egg and sugar. Put whole pecan kernels over the top of the cake while the icing is still soft. From MRS. SARAH H. BIXBY, of Maine, Alternate Lady Manager.

Well, since coming back, and with no permanent arrangements made, I have had plenty of chance for getting into position to appreciate the really first-class. There was a color-scheme in pale pink ribbons of that color, pink icing on the cakes, and so on. The same thing could be done, and done charmingly, in light green with pistache ice-cream. Of course the candle-shades were pink too."

Pink ice cream and cakes with pink icing " "And pink strawberries " "Not green ones! No, sir!" "And watermelons if we can get some that won't make too much trouble for Dr. Hancock." "How are we going to serve them? We can't bring china way out here and we won't have any for Rose House until after we give this party to earn it!" "They have paper plates with pretty patterns on them now.

He drank a good deal of champagne, too and finally, when it came to cutting the cake time, a wild thought began to enter his head. The icing was rather hard, and he had to help her and stood beside her, very near. She looked up smilingly and saw something in his face. It caused her a sudden wild emotion of she knew not what and then she felt very nervous and full of fear.

Keep plenty of live coals on the top, and under the bottom till the cake has risen very high, and is of a fine colour; then diminish the fire, and keep it moderate till the cake is done. It will take about an hour. When cool, ice it; adding a little essence of lemon or extract of roses to the icing. Sponge cake is best the day it is baked. Diet Bread is another name for Sponge Cake.

The soup was tomato bisque, the fish was salmon, the roast was beef, rare, the salad, tomato jelly, the dessert, strawberry ice cream, and with it small cakes heart-shaped and covered with pink icing. In the drawing room a Cupid whirling on a card pointed with his arrow to a number, and the person who took from Mrs.

Bake in two shallow tins. When cold ice with lemon icing and cut into squares.

Stool Stool, preferably white, should be of right height to allow sitting at table, work-shelf or sink. Add a plain chair if space permits. Refrigerator A well insulated ice box, preferably white. Ice compartment should be at side or top. Straight easily cleaned drain pipe should attach to plumbing. If refrigerator is indoors a door for icing from the outside is desirable.

He sent a man with the cars who personally attended to icing the cars, just as we used to travel in the caboose to look after the livestock. The peaches reached Boston, cool and fresh, and were sold in an hour at a good profit. At once there was a demand for refrigerator-cars from Michigan: the new way opened the markets of America to the producer of fruits and vegetables.

Put together with a soft icing made from the whites of two eggs. Dip a fancy mold into cold water, fill it half full of mixed chopped candied fruits, or use dates, figs and bananas chopped. Fill the mold with a well-made lemon or orange gelatin. Serve plain, or with whipped cream. 1/2 box of gelatin 1 can pared apricots 1 cupful of sugar 1 pint of water Whites of three eggs Juice of three lemons