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Once he turned slowly and looked at Brown addressed him politely while his dark eyes wandered over the American, noting every detail of dress and equipment, and the slight bulge at his belt line beneath the tunic. Brown said to Von Glahn: "Ibex stalking is a new game to me. My friend Stent tells me that you are old at it." "I have followed some few ibex, Mr. Brown," replied the young man modestly.

The thong of narrative drives off the dogs of tedium. Tell on." And in point of fact I was now too credulous to be anything but astounded.... John Robin Ross-Ellison! "Well, one day, my brother and I went forth to shoot sand-grouse, tuloor, chikor, chinkara and perchance ibex, leaving behind this black body-servant Moussa Isa, the Somali boy, because he was sick.

Even on mountain-heights of similar altitudes, where not only climate, but other physical conditions would suggest a recurrence of identical animals, we do not find the same, but representative types. The Ibex of the Alps differs, for instance, from that of the Pyrenees, that of the Pyrenees from those of the Caucasus and Himalayas, these again from each other and from that of the Altai.

Some prefer tiger shooting from elephants, others like to stalk the lordly ibex on the steep Himalayan slopes, but anyone who has ever enjoyed a rattle after a pig over a good country, will recall the fierce, delight, the eager thrill, the wild, mad excitement, that flushed his whole frame, as he met the infuriate charge of a good thirty-inch fighting boar, and drove his trusty spear well home, laying low the gallant grey tusker, the indomitable, unconquerable grisly boar.

The editor of the Ibex sat at a long table in his sanctum paying some perfunctory attentions to a huge pile of letters which had come in by the afternoon mail. Most of them he threw on one side for his "sub," a few he opened himself and tossed into a basket for further attention later on. It was a task which he never entered upon with much enthusiasm, for he was a man who hated detail.

A very good yarn, Quatermain, by the way I couldn't have made up a better one myself." The old gentleman looked at Good severely, for it irritated him to be chaffed about his stories. "I don't know what you mean, Good. I don't see that there is any comparison between a true story of adventure and the preposterous tales which you invent about ibex hanging by their horns.

Furniture of the ordinary kind, still new, told of easy circumstances and domestic comfort. Round about the walls hung a few paintings and photographs, intermingled with the stuffed heads of animals slain in the chase, notably that of a great ibex with magnificent horns. 'Come, now, tell me all about it, said Rolfe, as he mixed himself a glass of whisky and water.

The duration of the conflict was as brief as the preliminaries that led to it; and these were of the shortest kind: for scarce ten seconds had elapsed, after they had uttered their first scream, before the bearcoots swooped down to the level of the cliff, and commenced a joint attack upon the ibex, striking at him alternately with beak and claws.

My one ibex hunt is no experience at all compared to your record of a veteran " He looked full and significantly at Brown; continuing: "As you say, we have all day and a long night before us. Let us make ourselves comfortable here in the sun before we take our final stations." And they seated themselves in the lee of the crag, foregathering fraternally in the warm alpine sunshine.

"But I don't think that it was so good as mine about the ibex it hasn't the same finish." Mr. Quatermain made no reply. Good was beneath it. "Do you know, gentlemen," he said, "it is half-past two in the morning, and if we are going to shoot the big wood to-morrow we ought to leave here at nine-thirty sharp."