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"Now," said he, "I should like to take the liberty o' axing you one or two questions, Mr. Barty, sir, or as I should say, p'r'aps, Mr. Beverley." "What," exclaimed Barnabas, starting up, "it's you again, Mr. Shrig?" "That werry same i-dentical, sir. Disguises again, ye see.

"I done it myself, sir, wi' these here two 'ands, Three thousand pound I counted over to him, an' five hundred more in banknotes, sir, while Miss Anthea sat by like one in a dream. Altogether there were five thousand pound as that blessed b'y dug up out o' the orchard done up all in a pertater sack, under this very i-dentical tree as you'm a set-tin' under Mr. Belloo sir.

Shrig took a small, neat implement from one of his many capacious pockets, inserted it into the keyhole, gave it a twist, and the door swung open. "Ah a skeleton key, Mr. Shrig?" "That werry i-dentical, sir." "Is this how you gained admittance to my chambers?" "Ex-actly, sir." "And, being there, read my private letters?" "Only the vun, sir dooty is dooty only the vun.

Ah many's the drop o' French brandy, glass o' port or sherry as I've drank to the 'ealth o' your uncle in them werry i-dentical chambers, sir. A gent wi' a werry elegant taste in crime is Sir Jervas. No, don't trouble to come down, sir, your young man shall let me out. A reg'lar treasure that 'ere young man o' yours, Mr. Werricker! Good morning, gen'elmen both, my best respex!" So saying, Mr.

"Ah then, musha, look at me pot," cried Mrs. Clancy, who had been troubled by no scruples and whose tongue had been wagging freely during the course of their transit to Monavoe. "Look at me own i-dentical pot that has biled for me ever since we got married! I declare I could very near kiss it! I could never fancy any stir-about the same as what come out o' that pot!

"Eyes," said he, rubbing his chin very hard, as one at a loss, "eyes, i-dentical nose, same mouth, when not bloody, same 'air, same everything, same Lord love me!" "Pembry would be nearer," said I, "and the sooner he is between the sheets the better." "Ah!" exclaimed the Postilion with a slow nod, and drawing out the word unduly, "and talking o' sheets and beds what about my second passenger?

They walked here for about two miles, until at length they came in sight of a small harbor, into which the creek ran. In the distance was the sea; nearer was a headland. "This here's the place, the i-dentical place," said Zac, in joyous tones. "I knowed it; I was sure of it. Come along, little un.