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Miss Panney wasted no words in attempting to disprove this assertion. "He found her asleep on the floor?" said she. "Yes, Miss Panney," answered Phoebe, "dead asleep, or more likely, to my mind, in a dead faint, among all the drafts and chills of that garret, and in her stockin' feet. She had tuk up a candle with her, but I'spect the skeleton blowed it out.

"I'spect it would, 'Mam," said Ellen, very meekly and sorrowfully, "but when I saw her and heard the young lady say, Minnie, wait a minute, I forgot everything but that this was my long-lost child. I am sorry if I did any harm, but I was so glad I could not help it. My heart was so hungry for my child." "Yes, yes," said Anna sadly, "I understand thee; it was the voice of nature."

I explained, but added I had not seen any light on his vessel. "Well," said the man, looking upward, "that light's out, and ten to one it was out when we run inter ye. I'spect Abner didn't calkerlate for fillin' it for day work and night work too." The speaker was a grizzled man, middle-aged, and rather too plump for a sailor.

Of course, you will come, too?" "Lawsy me! don't see how I kin!" stammered Washington White, who always wished to be considered very brave, but who was really as timid as a hare. "Yo' see, Massa Mark, I'spect I shall be right busy." "What will you be busy at?" demanded Jack.

When I lets him out fo' an airin' he hikes right straight fo' some farmer's hen-yard, an' den I haster hunt fo' him." "When you see him starting on his rambles, Wash, why don't you call him back?" demanded Jack Darrow, chuckling. "If I did, Massa Jack, I'spect he wouldn't know I was a-hollerin' fo' him." "How's that? Doesn't he know his name?"

"I'spect they got wind of somebody; most likely thet guide, an'll be back again. If they ain't, it's because they got switched off by some signs or tokens, skeered, perhaps, by the scent of the wind." Hardly had he ceased speaking when again the circle of light was invaded by stalking forms. "I thought so! Here comes the skulkin' varmints," whispered the teamster. But he was wrong.

I say, 'Hab Miss Wallingford sen' you word dat she want you to know 'bout her 'fairs'?" "Didn't he say anything after that?" "Yes, he say 'I understand, an' I'spect he do, fer he drap a quarter in my basket an' look as if he was po'ful mad as he walk away. He better min' his own business." Mara understood Clancy and Aun' Sheba did not.

"You're a smart chap!" said Bainton at last, breaking the mystic spell and rising to take his leave "An' I don't want to argify with ye, for I'spect you're about right in what you sez about Sunday ways in town but I tell ye what, young feller! you've got to 'ave a deal o' patience an' a deal o' pity for they poor starveling sinners wot gits boxed up in cities an' never ain't got no room to look at the sky, or see the wide fields with all the daisies blowin' open to the sun.

Jes' the same eyes and 'air and purty face of 'er! Welcome 'ome to th' owld Squire's daughter, mates! D'ye 'ear me!" And he turned a dim rolling eye of command on Spruce and Bainton "I sez welcome 'ome! And when I sez it I'spect it to be said arter me by the both of ye, welcome 'ome!"

"Come, girls," Mrs. Morton called from the other room. "Come right in and lay off your things do. You are pretty dears both of you. City girls, I'spect?" "No, ma'am," Nan replied. "We live in a small town when we are at home. But we've been to boarding school and are on our way home for Christmas." "And after that," Bess added briskly, "we're going to Chicago for two whole weeks!" "You air?