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"Say," said he, gloomily, "come into my office. I've something to tell." The gloom of his appearance, so unusual to him, gave her a presage of misfortune. She followed him into the room of dental appliances. He told her to sit down, and she did so. She sat on a stiff sofa against the wall. He stood with one elbow on the back of the adjustable chair.

How was I to know he would keep true to thee? It might be a sin in me, I cannot say; my heart and my sense are gone dead within me. I know this, I've loved yo' as no man but me ever loved before. Have some pity and forgiveness on me, if it's only because I've been so tormented with my love.

Well, they bore this year, and I've bin calculatin' to send over some for you and Mrs. Bennett. I tell you, they're beauties indeed. Big as your fist, red as a hollyhock, fragrant as a rose, and firm and juicy. I have sent for scions enough to bud half my orchard. I won't raise nothin' hereafter but Rome Beauties and Russets." The apples and nuts were brought in, together with some of Mrs.

"The chief has certainly got something on his mind which is troubling him these days," said Carter Hayes, the advertising man, to the circulation head. "He's not himself. I don't believe he hears what I'm telling him." "I've noticed that," replied the latter. They were in the reception room outside Eugene's door, and strolled arm in arm down the richly carpeted hall to the elevator.

I DON'T always see more than anybody else but I can't and won't be blind, however agreeable it might be to you; I must have the use of my senses. I'm sure, if a woman wants attention and respect from a man, she'd better be anything than his wife. I've always thought so; and to-day's decided it. "No; I'm not ashamed of myself to talk so certainly not. "Yes; I dare say; very amiable, no doubt.

Hastings put on his hat and ambled toward the door. "By the way," he proclaimed an afterthought, "I've got to ask one more favour, judge. If Mrs. Brace troubles you again, will you let me know about it, at the earliest possible moment?" He went out, chuckling. But the judge was as mystified as he was resentful.

You can have the morality, but I've got the cash.

If Dailey had buried his plunder, what had J. H. left to do? But had he buried it? Collins smiled. It was not likely he had handed it over to anybody else to hide for him. And yet He clapped his hand down on his knee. "By the jumping California frog, I've got it!" he told himself. "They hid the bulk of what they got from the Limited all together. Went out in a bunch to hide it.

"How did you know that?" "You never smoke just before dinner unless your nerves are ragged. . . . What is it?" "Money." "Of course. No one in New York worries about anything else." "But this is serious," protested she. "I've been thinking about your marriage and what'll become of Clayton and me?" She halted, red with embarrassment. Norman lit a cigarette himself.

"That was pretty, and sincere, and and like you," she mused. "I wonder why my answer sounded not quite so innately fine? Do you suppose it was because I've already become accustomed to meeting flippancy with flippancy? For if that isn't the reason then how would you explain my my persistent tendency toward frivolity with you? Because it exists, you know. Truly it does!