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I knows you, Ham; you knows I do. You jes' stop dis rumatiks and go wid de Gen'l, dat's what you do. When did you get sick? I not hear it afore. You not sick. Let me see you walk. "Old Ham hobbled off and Martha laughed at him. This nettled the old man and he straightened up and said: 'Well, I guess I's not bery bad, but I's not well, all de same. "I came up to them, and nothing more was said.

Now," he continued, "I must leave you here, 'cause I don't want to let any one know dat I's been away from de plantation. You must cross dis creek, and foller dat road," pointing to a narrow, well-beaten bridle-path on the opposite bank, "an' dat will lead you straight to de Red Ribber.

"Poor man," said Ebony, who looked over his shoulder with profound sorrow in his earnest eyes as long as the tall figure of the bard was in sight, "I's most awrful sorry for 'im. Why don't dey hang Randalvalona, or shot 'er?" "History teaches that it's not always so easy as one might think to get rid of objectionable queens in that way," said Mark. "Hm!

Only a few days after I was totin' an armful o' plates to the dinin'-room for Aunt Milla. All at once I's so happy I didn't know myse'f. I drop my plates, an' broke I don't know how many. But I didn't stop for plates; I shouted, 'Bless Massa Jesus! Glory! Glory hallelujah to God!

"That's what I have already told him, your highness: `Ali, says I, `if you can only leave out your you knows, says I, `your story might be amusing, but, says I " "Silence with your says I's," observed the pacha; "have you forgotten the bastinado? there seems to be a pair of you. Ali, go on with the story, and remember my injunction; the felek and ferashes are at hand."

Your greatness might have made you aware o' that," returned the sailor quietly. An eye-shutting grin was Peter's reply to this, and further converse was stopped by the sound of clattering hoofs. "Massa!" exclaimed the negro, listening. "Das good. No time lost. Come wid me, you sham nigger, an' I's gib you somet'ing to tickle you stummik. You go an' look arter de hoss, Geo'ge."

The name of Leopold II must be associated here with that of Albert I. Both were prompted in their action by the same motives that inspired Leopold I's policy. They placed security on a level with, and even above, prosperity.

It had prevented Basil Ransom, at any rate, from putting the dots on his i's, as the French say, in this gradual discovery that Mrs. Luna was making love to him. The process went on a long time before he became aware of it. He had perceived very soon that she was a tremendously familiar little woman that she took, more rapidly than he had ever known, a high degree of intimacy for granted.

Nevertheless, the threat was not without its effect, for it showed Hester that she must have been on the point of giving way, and impressed on her more than ever the necessity of self-restraint. "W'ich am him? I don't see him," said the negress as they advanced. "There he is, don't you see, just before us," replied Hester, in a low, hurried voice. "No, I's growin' blind, I t'ink."

Fust time I runs acrost yo' marster, I's gwine to tell him so." This idle and aimless jabber went on and on, both parties enjoying the friendly duel and each well satisfied with his own share of the wit exchanged for wit they considered it. Wilson stepped to the window to observe the combatants; he could not work while their chatter continued.