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The darkness had waxed to pitchiness, and the noises were hushed. The crows had gone to roost; and had it not been for some too-hoos of the jolly owl, sounding his horn as he rejoiced that the hated sun had gone to annoy other owls in the west, the silence would have been complete.

"Of course it was very wrong, Your Eminence; but his friends paid it back at once, and the affair was hushed up, he comes of a good family, and ever since then he has been irreproachable. How Rivarez found out about it I can't conceive; but the first thing he did at interrogation was to bring up this old scandal before the subaltern, too!

But the matter was hushed up as much as possible by Captain Putnam, and the master saw to it that every cadet got back the things that belonged to him, and also squared matters with the teachers. In due course of time Cameron Smith was tried for the robbery of Point View Lodge and was sent to prison for a term of years.

When Pen's bed-time came the songs were hushed. Lights appeared in the upper room: his room, whither the widow used to conduct him; and then the major and Mr.

With the white feather in my hair I can take up the trail of the Black Phantom in the other world." The group that surrounded him hushed their chatter. "Where is the white feather?" asked one of the older men who seemed to be in authority. "There where the woman found me. It must be there for I had it when sleep overcame me."

I could feel Tom's grasp at my elbow, but I could neither echo the applause nor answer him. It was all so wildly, grotesquely improbable. This then was my love, this the Claire whom I had wooed and won in the shy covert of Pangbourne Woods this deified and transfigured being before whom thousands were hushed in awe.

The contrast between them was singular: he thus abstracted; she too, utterly forgetful of self, but absorbed in him, and showing it by her eager eyes, her hushed breath, her anxious attitude. At last she said impatiently, “Father, you are speaking to yourself; you despise me.”

The robins perched on the fence, wings hanging, each feather like a bare stick, and not a sound escaping the throat; and when robins are discouraged, it is dismal weather indeed. The bluebirds came about, draggled almost beyond recognition. Even the swallows sailed over silently, their merry chatter hushed.

By the covenant! it is not to the faithless a man should go to find a faith to keep and I will not. But, hark! singing and the voice a woman's or an angel's! It comes this way." Down the lake towards the dower came a woman singing. Her voice floated along the hushed water melodious as a flute, and louder growing each instant.

It might be she lived elsewhere in the parish now. He had schooled himself to this thought so that it was no surprise, although a heavy disappointment, when the door was opened by a small dark man holding a sleeping baby on his arm. Timothy lowered his voice and the man gave a brief and hushed answer. He spoke in a strong French-Canadian accent. "Moira O'Donnell? I nevaire heard before.