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"Hush!" suddenly said Monçada. John Melmoth listened, and half rose from his chair. "We are watched!" he exclaimed. At that moment the door opened, and a figure appeared at it. The figure advanced slowly to the centre of the room. Monçada crossed himself, and attempted to pray. John Melmoth, nailed to his chair, gazed upon the form that stood before him it was indeed Melmoth the Wanderer.

Katherine rose and stood rocking it, soothing it a queenly young figure in her clinging gray and white draperies, which the instreaming sunshine touched, as she moved, to a delicate warmth of colour. "Hush, my pretty lamb," she crooned and then softly yet fiercely to Ormiston, "You understand, I wish it. The Clown is to be shot." "Very well," he answered.

"I don't know, I haven't yet made his acquaintance. Where did he come from?" "Lucille sent him to me. Johnson just brought him over. Hurry, Bemis, and let him out. The poor darling!" "Is that what is called puppy love?" inquired Harry. "Hush," commanded Pauline. "And Bemis, run and tell Martha to cook something for him a beefsteak and potatoes." "And oysters on the half shell," suggested Harry.

In those times, people held to the singular opinion, that the night was made to sleep in; they inferred it from a general confidence they had in the wisdom of Mother Nature, supposing that she did not put out her lights and draw her bed-curtains and hush all noise in her great world-house without strongly intending that her children should go to sleep; and the consequence was, that very soon after sunset the whole community very generally set their faces bedward, and the toll of the nine-o'clock evening-bell had an awful solemnity in it, sounding to the full.

There was a hush of admiration from every man or woman inside the fortifications whenever their leader's name was mentioned. If he could not hold the German avalanche in check, then the world must weep for Russia. So Mildred became a kind of heroine among the nurses because she had received a few moments of the great man's praise and attention.

Tea was already in progress on the porch, and if a hush in the conversation and the scraping of chairs is any sign of a sensation, this happened when our heroine appeared in the doorway. And Mrs. Holt, in the act of lifting the hot-water kettle; put it down again. Whether or not there was approval in the lady's delft-blue eye, Honora could not have said.

"Hush, Edith!" said her mother; "do you think Mr. Carleton has nothing to do but to take you riding?" "I don't believe he has much to do," said Edith, securely. "But, Mr. Carleton, you did promise, for I asked you, and you said nothing; and I always have been told that silence gives consent; so what is to become of it?" "Will you go now, Miss Edith?" "Now? O, yes!

The rich wild light from the Campagna flooded the room; the day sank rapidly and a strange hush crept through the apartment. The women working among the olives below had gone home; there were no sounds from the Marinata road; and the crackling of the fire alone broke upon the stillness except for a sound which emerged steadily as the silence grew. It seemed to be a man's voice reading.

The Crown Prince and his staff, in brilliant uniforms, entered the vast rotunda packed with men and women, just as this interesting ceremony was beginning and took places reserved for them as conquerors, near the great bronze eagle on its granite pedestal that faces the spot where William H. Taft dedicated the building in December, 1911. A hush fell over the assembly as Dr.

Then she knew by the hush that she had astonished them, and she grew frightened; but she stood just so, and would not let her look shrink; for she still felt just as she did when the words came. Mrs. Van Alstyne broke the pause with a good-natured laugh. "We can't go quite back to that, every time," she said. "And we don't quite set up to be angels. Come, try one more round."