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The Major said it often hurts boys to send them too young." "They are very young, poor little fellows," said Mrs. Curtis. "And if they are forward in some things they are backward in others," said Fanny. "What Major Keith recommended was a governess, who would know what is generally expected of little boys." "I don't like half measures," muttered Rachel.

"From what I know of Dave Darrin," replied Dalzell, "the class will be wasting its time if it expects Darry to retract." "But what do you want to be sent to Coventry for?" demanded Farley. "I don't," Dave answered. "I know how it hurts. I wouldn't see any midshipman here sent to Coventry for anything except positive and undeniable dishonor.

The boy, who looked about seven or eight years old, lay on a pallet in one corner, restless and fretful, his cheeks burning, and his large brown eyes sparkling with fever. "Johnnie, boy! what is the matter? Tell me what hurts you." "My head aches so badly," and tears came to the beautiful childish eyes. "It feels hot. Would you like to have it bathed in cold water?" "If you please, ma'am.

And I must not even notice it, and it hurts terribly. I don't understand how anyone can be so dreadfully cold. It makes me thrill all over when I see him bend his head toward me for the customary kiss, and I close my eyes so that I may enjoy more intensely that blissful eternity which I expect, and alas! only one short, perfunctory little peck, and it is all over before my eyes are hardly closed.

"But it's that woman has done it," said Jane. She was never known to bring herself to pronounce "that woman's" name or to admit her girlishness. "I can't think what minds some women must have to try and get a girl's young man away from her. But there, it only hurts to talk about it," said Jane. Thereafter our house rested from William.

"Why, you will figure a little in it, but others will figure much more." "I wonder what has become of that poor girl," observed Gascoigne, who could not refrain from mentioning her; "what hurts me most is, that she must think me such a brute." "No doubt of that, Ned take another glass of porter." "Her father gave me this large diamond." "The old goat sell it, and drink his health with it."

"I spend most of my time thinking about folks' accidents and hurts and pains," answered Mrs. Peavey in all truth. "Miss Elinory, did you gargle your throat with that slippery-ellum tea I thought about to make for you last week?" "Yes, Mrs. Peavey, I did," answered Miss Wingate quickly, for she had performed that nauseous operation actuated by positive fear of Mrs.

It is true that my enemies had their hurts to complain of also; but the odds were too greatly against me for any conduct or strength of mine to neutralize or overcome; and it was only by Edgerton's interposition that I was saved from utter defeat and much worse usage. The beating I had already suffered.

That Calumet's attack had been a vicious one was apparent, for as the man reached the door he staggered and leaned weakly against the jambs. He made a grimace at Calumet and smiled weakly at the girl. "I'm pretty well knocked out, Betty," he said. "My neck hurts, sorta. I'll send Bob in to keep you company." The girl cast a sharp, eloquent glance at Calumet and smiled with straight lips.

I am only a burden and anxiety to you I may as well die at once and go to sleep." "Don't, Jeannie! don't!" said her sister, in a sort of cry; "you are killing me!" Jeannie laid her hot hand upon Augusta's arm, "Try and listen to me, dear," she said, "even if it hurts, because I do so want to say something. Why should you be so frightened about me?