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And so we are forever running into such thrilling headlines as, "Horrible Wreck," "Her escape was simply marvelous," "Worse than the Titanic Disaster," in the Democrat's local page. And then we exclaim: "Hurray!

"Boys," said the major, "old Slorkey wants us to gin out send a flag of truce a white pocket handkerchief on a beanpole and propose to surrender. But it goes agin my grit for Hardscrabble to cave in to Dogtown, when we could knock the hindsights off 'em, if we was only a mind to." "Hurray for the major!" responded the Hardscrabblers.

Dempster, spurring and digging into his pony; and that lady in a riding-habit on Madame Esmond's little horse can it be Madame Esmond? No. It is too stout. As I live it is Mrs. Mountain on Madame's grey!" "O Lor'! O Golly! Hoop! Here dey come! Hurray!" Dr. Dempster and Mrs.

Smirke said, all of a tremble. "Do you really say so, Arthur?" "Say so; of course, I say so. Down with it. Here's Mrs. Smirke's good health: Hip, hip, hurray!"

The girls who only enjoy themselves without work little know what they miss in never waking up in the morning to say, 'Hurray! this is a holiday. No! give me my work and my play well balanced, and I'll turn them into happiness." It was months before Alymer dared to speak to her of love.

Maynard, as he often did, composed a song for the occasion, and after once hearing it, the children took up the strain and sang heartily: "Old King Cole Rubbed a muddy old sole And a muddy old sole rubbed he; For he polished each shoe Of his sisters two, And his own shoes, they made three! Hurray, hurroo, hurree! And his own shoes, they made three!" Mr.

"By the way," Whistler suddenly observed, drawing an official looking letter from his pocket. "Did I tell you I got this?" "No," said Torry. "What is it?" "Hurray!" yelled Frenchy, the quick-witted. "It's our assignment to the Kennebunk, I bet you!" "Is that right, Whistler?" asked Torry. "That's what it is," admitted Morgan. "We're to report, however, to Mr.

"Sharp's the man to put the thing in trim. He's the very chap! He knows all about minerals, and he says that this copper we've struck is the very purest article he ever saw! Hurray! Hurray! Three cheers and a tiger for the Sobrante Copper Mine!" shouted the hilarious Marty. Meanwhile, there had been short but heated discussion among her loyal henchmen as to whether Mrs.

Giles is the boy the student's joy! Hurray for Giles! And he brought quite a quantity of medals, crowns, books, and tokens of distinction home to his lodgings. Didn't I tell you? 'ROMANTIC CIRCUMSTANCE. One of the most extraordinary adventures that we have ever heard has set the neighbouring country of Crim Tartary in a state of great excitement.

'tisn't likely that filtered Indian blood can take precedence and mastery of all the Anglo-Saxon material it's run through since then." "Hurray! now you've said it. Lookee here, Captain. You say the Anglo-Saxon's the master race of the world." "Of course I do." "Of course you do, being a sensible fellow.