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And Dick had won, for the biplane with which he had just had the exciting race, had consumed more than eighty hours, exclusive of stops, from coast to coast. "Hurray, Dick! You win!" cried Innis, clapping his chum on the back. "The best trans-continental flight ever made!" declared Captain Weston, as he congratulated the young millionaire. "I'd like to have gotten here first," murmured Dick.

Here you are at home, old friend of my heart, and I and Maurice must go to embrace you. If you are still buried in work, we shall only come and go. It is so near to Paris, that you must not hesitate to tell us. I have finished Cadio, hurray! I have only to POLISH it a little.

It was as though he had new strength. "I will push that wagon!" he said to himself. "I will push it out of the mud!" Then he took another long breath, and pushed with all his might on the wagon. "Now it's going!" cried Tum Tum. Slowly at first, and then faster, the big hippopotamus wagon rolled out of the mud, and on to the firm, hard road. "There it goes!" cried a circus man. "Hurray!

When his mind vaguely adjusted events according to their importance to him, it appeared that the uppermost thing was the fact that upon the eve of battle, and before many comrades, his brother had called him a fool. Dan was in a particularly happy mood. "Hurray! Look at 'em shoot," he said, when the long witches' croon of the shells came into the air.

"So we're going," said Uncle John, impressively, "to California where they grow sunshine and roses to offset our blizzards and icicles." "Hurray!" shouted Patsy. "I've always wanted to go to California." "California!" said the Major, amazed; "why, it's farther away than Europe. It takes a month to get there." "Nonsense." retorted Uncle John. "It's only four days from coast to coast.

"We may not be able to go far, for the snow is rather wet and heavy, and it may clog the runners. But we'd better make a start, anyhow. It seems to be slackening up a bit." They piled into the ice boat, and the sail was hoisted. The Spider darted off, after a moment's hesitation. "Hurray!" cried Will. "We're moving." "And that's about all," said Allen in a low voice.

He explained, in terms which we say we shall not attempt to convey, the whole history of the previous transaction, and his determination not only not to give up his sword, but to assume his rightful crown; and at the end of this extraordinary, this truly GIGANTIC effort, Captain Hedzoff flung up his helmet, and cried, "Hurray! Hurray! Long live King Giglio!"

Thus encouraged, Montmorency Vavasour-Stark renewed his efforts, though with less force and better judgment. There is always a right and a wrong way to everything and the worried lad had, at last, fallen upon the right. He "would be a horseman!" Hurray! That opinion from such a source was worth lots! Well, that first lesson was over at last.

They had many other little adventures, but none quite so "scary" as the one where Freddie slipped away to ride in the elevator. Finally, Mr. Bobbsey's business was finished, and one evening he said: "To-morrow we go to Washington." "Hurray!" exclaimed Bert. "Then I can see Billy Martin." "And I can see Nell. I like her very much," added Nan. "And I'm going to see the big monument!" cried Freddie.

"I must ask John, really I must, Truxton," she protested faintly. "Hurray!" he shouted in a whisper. "He is so desperately in love, he won't think of refusing anything we ask. Shall we set it for Saturday?" They set it for Saturday without consulting John Tullis, and then fell to discussing him. "He is very much in love with her," she said wistfully. "And she loves him, Loraine.