United States or Turks and Caicos Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In a little while the gas began filling the bag, which slowly distended. "Hurrah!" yelled Jack, seeing that the Monarch was beginning to look like herself again. He and the others were working hard at the ice, which did not seem to want to let the ship go. The inventor went about testing each separate piece of apparatus. He found that, with a little tinkering, all the machinery would work well.

"I scarcely expect that," he answered. "But I am pretty certain that he won't take us. See, hurrah! He's been hit again pretty hard!" As he spoke, the frigate's mizzen-mast, which must have been before badly wounded, went by the board, and at the same time her main-yard came down by the run on deck, no doubt doing further damage by the fall.

I forgot the long-distance call the one we expected yesterday." "It came while everyone was at the church. I stayed here in case it did. They will pay your price, so I closed the deal." "Hurrah for Mary Faithful! But I wish you could have been there. It was like a picture. I never saw her look so lovely. Well, that's settled. Wire me at Chicago. I think that's everything.

Hardly had the idea occurred to him than Captain Sumner set up a shout. He was pointing to a post set up in the ice. To the top of the post was attached a rude sign, which read: "To the Svlachkys' Camp One Mile." "Hurrah! here's a discovery!" cried Bob. "Shall we go on?" "Yes; but let us advance with extreme caution. These Svlachkys may be very bad people."

Now, if it had been Mrs. Johnson ! 'Johnson kept house for himself for years and a queer job he made of it. 'So I should think. Maude tossed her pretty curls. 'Mrs. Beeton is all right, but I will not be lectured by Dr. Johnson. Where was I? Oh yes "'We must always remember that to manage a little well, is a great merit in housekeeping." 'Hurrah! Down with the second vegetable!

Dancing there, he snorted his distrust and alarm. But Frank plucked up new hope. He at the same time saw something else that gave another aspect to the case. Jerry was not to be left alone to his fate. "Hurrah for Mr. Mabie!" In his excitement Frank let out this shout.

Hurrah! The Republic triumphs all along the line!" But no emotion was manifested. The doctor tried again. "The people are free! You are free and independent! Do you understand? Be proud of it!" The listless villagers looked at him with eyes unlit by glory.

It has been asserted that our "hurrah" is derived from this Norman shout, but I hold this to be more than doubtful. That Normandy was prosperous under the reign of Rollo, and that its people were contented, seems, however, to be well established.

In one book appear the details of one of these experiments on September 3, 1891, at 4.30 A.M., with the comment: "Brought up lamp higher than a 16-c.p. 240 was ever brought before Hurrah!" Notwithstanding the late hour, he turns over to the next page and goes on to write his deductions from this result as compared with those previously obtained.

"Hurrah! we shall have English beef and plum-pudding now," exclaimed numerous voices. The doctor, however, who acted as store-keeper, ordered them at once to be placed in safe keeping, to be served out as required. He soon afterwards held a consultation with Mrs Rumbelow.