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Ernest dropped his sword, and drawing his hunting-knife struck at it, while at the same moment Harry ran it through the body. So strong and tenacious of life was the animal that the blows were repeated several times before it loosed its hold of Ernest's shoulder and fell dead. "Are you hurt, my dear Ernest?" was Harry's first exclamation. "Oh, never mind that, that's nothing," Ernest replied.

Mayall could endure the scene no longer, and started in quest of a new home. He traversed the country to the north in every direction, with his gun in his hand and his hunting-knife and tomahawk in his belt.

'Why, you've an appointment with Janet Ilchester, said I, 'and we may find a pug; we'll buy the hunting-knife and the skates. And she shall know you saved an old woman's life. 'No, don't talk about that, Temple entreated me, biting his lip. 'Richie, we're going fast through the water. It reminds me of breakfast. I should guess the hour to be nine A.M.

"I don't want to hurt you, Tommy," he said in a low, tense voice, "so . . . well, just pick it up, that's a good fellow." "I'll no." "Then I shall kill you," Corliss went on, in the same calm, passionless way, at the same time drawing his hunting-knife from its sheath. "And if I dinna?" the Scotsman queried stoutly, though cowering away. Corliss pressed gently with the knife.

Paul had only one other weapon, the long hunting-knife carried by all the men of the wilderness. He drew this from his belt and it flashed in the moonlight as he ran back to the pony's head and stood between Ruth and the dimly visible danger which was rapidly approaching. "They are coming the other way, too," she gasped. "I hear them behind us." He did not reply and could not turn.

Then the boy turned to the native, and the fact that the man was alone and seemed to have no other possessions than his gun, hunting-knife, and pipe, raised doubts in the lad's mind as to the truth of the statement concerning the long journey. He knew and had heard sufficient about Indians to be aware that they seldom travelled any distance without their family and other belongings.

Then he killed the pig with his hunting-knife and hung it up before the fire to roast. Presently a most savory smell began to fill the air. Dermot withdrew a little way, sat down behind a jutting piece of rock, and watched, his eyes never leaving the smooth surface of the lough; but minute after minute passed and not the slightest movement stirred it.

The stranger stood little short of gianthood, and Constans would have run small chance against him as man to man. Bitterly he regretted having left his bow behind; even his double-edged hunting-knife was missing from his belt. The man walked deliberately forward to meet him.

Just then the doe turned her head, and looked at him with her great, appealing eyes. "I can't do it! my soul, I can't do it!" and he dropped the paddle. "Oh, let her go!" "Oh, no!" was the only response of the guide as he slung the deer round, whipped out his hunting-knife, and made a pass that severed her jugular. The buck returned about the middle of the afternoon.

Bartle Won immediately volunteered to start off to try and find the whereabouts of the supposed marauding party. His offer was at once accepted; and before many minutes were over he had left the farm, armed with his trusty rifle, and his axe and hunting-knife in his belt. "Take care they do not catch you," observed the lieutenant.