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It was a levee en masse of the humble, a rush of those who hungered for the miraculous, so irresistible in its impetuosity that mere common sense, mere considerations of public order were to be swept away like chaff. And it was Monseigneur Laurence, in his episcopal residence at Tarbes, who was first forced to surrender. All his prudence, all his doubts were outflanked by the popular outburst.

Emerging from the storms of the ocean of divine thought and feeling into the shallower waters that lave the human shore, bearing with him the treasures won in the strife, our Lord is straightway an hungered; and from this moment the temptation is human, and can be in some measure understood by us. But could it even then have been conveyed to the human mind in merely intellectual forms?

I continued up the lateral ravine since there was no path leading out from it; and to return to the Huerfano, would have been to ride back into the teeth of danger. I still felt faint. Though less than twenty-four hours since I had eaten, I hungered acutely. Was there nothing I could eat? I looked inquiringly around. It was a scene of sterility and starvation.

This was the end of the imaginary music. The next morning he woke up conscious himself again. His first return to consciousness was an impression of a voice: "Dearest brother, thou art better, art thou not?" "I am quite free from pain, only a hungered." "What food dost thou desire to enter thy lips first?" "The Bread of Life." "But not as the Viaticum , thank God.

The great ship Privilege, on which they had voyaged with pomp and satisfaction, was going down and they knew it not. I do not wish to paint Roosevelt in one light only, and that the most favorable. Had no other been shed upon him, his Administration would have been too bland for human belief, and life for him would have palled. For his inexhaustible energy hungered for action.

"My darling, I must have a kiss; I hungered for one all yesterday." He looks into her face eagerly and lovingly. To most people Beatrice is a plain girl, but to this man she is beautiful; his own love for her has invested her with a charm and a fascination that no one else has seen in her. Oh! divine passion, that can thus glorify its object.

She grew up, and the chief offered many horses for her. Her father took them. She became the chief's wife, and all my heart withered up. Everything grew dark. I sat in my wigwam or wandered in the forest, caring for nothing. "When I met her, she turned her face aside, for was she not the wife of another? Yet I knew her heart hungered for me.

He loved its ceremonies more at least, more vividly than he loved its soul. One is never done hearing about his demand for "fundamental brainwork" in art. But his own poetry is poor enough in brainwork. It is the poetry, of one who, like Keats, hungered for a "life of sensations rather than of thoughts."

Even my madness that I prided myself upon is a babbling witch astride a phallus, her lips bending over it with grewsome hungers. "'There is only one castration death. What am I now? Mad? Yes. And worse. Disillusioned. I have closeted myself with a lecherous animal and it turns on me. That is the reward of the privacy I hungered after.

Mahommed Hassan had vowed a vow in the river, and he kept it in so far as was seemly. His soul hungered for the face of the bridge-opener, and the hunger grew.