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But he did explain that there had been threats used when Ruby refused to take the man, and that Ruby had, this day, taken herself off. 'I always thought it was settled that they were to be man and wife, said Roger. 'It was settled, squoire; and he war to have five hun'erd pound down; money as I'd saved myself. Drat the jade. 'Didn't she like him, Daniel?

Some recognized the girl politely as she stood at the door, while others continued their occupation in stolid indifference. Aun' Jinkey rose tottering from a corner and came to the doorstep. "You see how 'tis, honey," she said. "Dey des gwine on ez ef I ain' yere. I a hun'erd yeahs ol'er dan I wuz w'en you want sump'n ter hap'n." "Take courage, mammy," Miss Lou whispered. "Chunk's safe.

Let him go his own gait. 'If you can't make it up wi' him 'Well, grandfather, I shan't anyways. 'Let me have my say, will ye, yer jade, you? There's five hun'erd pound! and there ain't ere a farmer in Suffolk or Norfolk paying rent for a bit of land like this can do as well for his darter as that, let alone only a granddarter. You never thinks o' that; you don't.

So, in spite of his dumb resistance, she lingered on, questioning and suggesting. As to the advertisement she had brought down, he put it aside almost without looking at it. "There ud be a hun'erd men after it before ever he could get there," was all he would say to it. Then she inquired if he had been to ask the steward of the Maxwell Court estate for work. He did not answer, but Mrs.

Falk, how should I go about it?" The perpetually frowning black heaped salt beef on the kids. "Dah's enough grub foh a hun'erd o'nary men. Dey's enough meat dah to feed a whole regiment of Sigambeezel cavalry yass, sah, ho'ses and all.

"No, it isn't, Jem; you say you fought Mike." "Well, I s'pose I did, Mas' Don." "`Suppose you did'?" "Yes; I only recklect feeling wild because my clean shirt and necktie was all in a mess. I don't recklect any more only washing my sore knuckles at the pump, and holding a half hun'erd weight up again my eye." "But Mike stopped away from work for a week." "Yes, Mas' Don.

Tom wavered. He was weaker than his father. He had not gone through the same things, and was not made of the same stuff. "They they give me five dollahs," he said; "but it wa'n't fu' votin'." "Fi' dollahs! fi' dollahs! My son sell hisse'f fu' fi' dollahs! an' forty yeahs ago I brung fifteen hun'erd, an' dat was only my body, but you sell body an' soul fu' fi' dollahs!"

Long ez you kin smoke en projeck in dat ar ole cabin hole you woan lebe his 'less you turned out. I des gwine ter stay out'n spite en doan wanter go a hun'erd mile ob dat gran'boy ob yourn." "There, Zany," said Miss Lou gently, holding out her hand. "I understand you and Aun' Jinkey both, and you both are going to stay out of love for me. I reckon you won't be sorry in the end."

Indeed, they had made up their minds that if one appeared on that adjoining "hun'erd an' sixty," it would go hard with him. For they did not deal in justice very much the three Johns. They considered it effete. It belonged in the East along with other outgrown superstitions. And they had given it out widely that it would be healthier for land applicants to give them elbow-room.

I voted Dem'cratic tick't forty year, born a Democrat an' die a Democrat. Fellow sizzens, I want to say to you right here an' now that principles of Dem'cratic party saved this country a hun'erd times from Republican mal-'diministration an' degerdation!