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The invalid's face was very impassive, though Carroll waited in tense suspense while the doctor stripped off the bandages and bark supports from the injured leg. He examined it attentively, and then looked around at Carroll. "You fixed that limb, when it was broken in the bush?" he asked. "Yes," Carroll answered, with a desperate attempt to treat the matter humorously.

I'm guessing the kind of drink you'd like to set up." Blenham's one eye and Steve's two clashed; Woods watched interestedly. He even laughed as at last, with an exclamation which was as much a groan as a curse, Blenham jerked out his gun and flung it down on his quilt. Steve took it up and shoved it into his pocket. "There's jus' a han'ful of men over to the cookhouse," said Woods humorously.

In short, you want a level-headed clergyman about thirty-five years old who will mind his own business." The smiles on the faces of the vestry deepened. The ability to put a matter thus humorously was a part of Nelson Langmaid's power with men and juries. "I venture to add another qualification," he continued, "and that is virility. We don't want a bandbox rector.

When I said that, thou didst hold in thy hand my comb, wherein were concealed certain papers in cipher. 'Oh thou cunning one! cried Richard, half reproachfully, half humorously, but the amusement overtopped the seriousness. 'My heart did reproach me; but Richard, what WAS I to do? 'Wherefore did thy heart reproach thee, Dorothy? 'That I told a falsehood that I told THEE a falsehood, Richard.

"But Severin," I said placing my hand on his arm, "how can you treat a pretty young woman thus?" "Look at the woman," he replied, blinking humorously with his eyes. "Had I flattered her, she would have cast the noose around my neck, but now, when I bring her up with the kantchuk, she adores me." "Nonsense!" "Nonsense, nothing, that is the way you have to break in women."

Mr. Copperas has had two other servants of the name of Bob before, but this is the biggest of all, so he humorously calls him 'Triple Bob Major! You observe that road to the right, sir: it leads to the mansion of an old customer of mine, General Cornelius St. Leger; many a good bargain have I sold to his sister.

Wingate somewhat humorously. Molly Pierrepont, having chosen a life of shame that she might if only clandestinely associate with and enjoy the favors of the men of the white race, would be the last person of the race to take a stand in its defense to give aid to the Negro in his combat with the white man, politically or otherwise.

"Father said 'twas rank popery railing in the Communion table, when it was so handy to sit on or to put one's hat on," added one of the youths looking up. "So he was willing for me to go, and I thought I'd like to see the world, but I'd fain be at home again." "So would not I," muttered the other lad. "No," said the ex-tapster humorously, "for thou knowst the stocks be gaping for thee, Dick."

"I have no doubt," he replied, humorously, "as our quaint old friend used to say, that you are 'well meanin', but we must all submit to fate. I fear you will soon be confined to the dismal lower regions." "Are you sick?" "I was at first." His prediction was soon verified.

Faith raised her eyes from the paper before her and poised her head meditatively. "How long is it, friend, since " "Since he went to Egypt?" "Nay, since thee " "Since I went to Mass?" he grumbled humorously. She laughed whimsically. "Nay, then, since thee made the promise " "That I would drink no more till his return ay, that was my bargain; till then and no longer!