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Shortly after they had retired, Hulsen's column came up. The four hundred guns had never ceased pouring their iron rain into the forest, but the newcomers arrived in splendid order. The remnant of Frederick's column joined them, furious at defeat and burning to meet the enemy again. So stern and resolute was the attack that, for a time, it carried all before it.

Daun knows withal of Hulsen's impending advent with the Silesian 13,000; November 2d, Hulsen is actually at Muskau, and his 13,000 magnified by rumor to 20,000. And now, the important Bautzen Colloquy of SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, having here brought its three or more Courses of Activity to a pause, we will glance at the far more important THURSDAY, 13th, other side the Ocean:

That same evening, Saturday, Lacy took the road, with extraordinary velocity, towards Torgau Country, where the Reichsfolk, in Hulsen's absence, are supreme; and, the second evening after, was got 60 miles thitherward. His joint dominion had been of Two days. On the morning of Sunday, 12th, went Tottleben, who had businesses, settlements of ransom and the like, before marching.

The fate which we must expect is, after all, the COMMON LOT. Our best efforts always appear before the world in a truncated and distorted form. I am going to write to Alwine Frommann that she is to accept Hulsen's offer without further conditions and to tell him that this has been your advice. The truth is that in this manner you will avoid a struggle which, in my opinion, would be fruitless.

Ziethen dashed with his hussars upon the Austrian cavalry, drawn up to bar the way; defeated them, and drove them far from the field; while Hulsen's division of infantry carried the village of Preezer, on the Austrian flank, in spite of the Austrian batteries. So far Frederick's combination had worked admirably. Hulsen then attacked a wood behind it, strongly held by the Austrians.

But God's, or rather Herr von Hulsen's, will be done. It is quite plain that in our excellent states the "other thing" has nowadays the upper hand; the Princess of Prussia may wish and desire what she likes, she will not be able to conquer that, nor Herr von Hulsen either. Good Lord, I know the thing.

Frederick's own column contained eight thousand grenadiers and foot guards, with a force of cavalry; and his line of march was by the road nearest to Daun's position. Two other columns Hulsen's, composed principally of infantry; and Holstein's, chiefly of cavalry marched on parallel roads on a wider circle; and the baggage, in a column by itself, outside all.

Your obedient servant, P.S. In his last letter Wagner writes that he leaves the pecuniary conditions with regard to Berlin wholly to my decision, and that "Tannhauser" will satisfy him. DEAREST FRIEND, Return Hulsen's letter to me, as I have not taken a copy, and should not like it to fall into other hands. I hope you will approve of my answer. The enclosed rough draft you may keep.

By the time of Hulsen's return, this little operation will be well forward, and Daun will have declared himself a little. Hulsen, evening of October 30th, found Leipzig in considerable emotion, the Reichsfolk taking refuge in it: not the least inclined to stand a push, when Hulsen presented himself.

After Hulsen's fine explosion on the Durrenberg, August 20th, on the incompetent Reichs Generals, there had followed nothing eminent; new futilities, attemptings and desistings, advancings and recoilings, on the part of the Reich; Hulsen solidly maintaining himself, in defence of his Torgau Magazine and Saxon interests in those regions, against such overwhelming odds, till relief and reinforcement for them and him should arrive; and gaining time, which was all he could aim at in such circumstances.